20 Mar

Oak - Holi Festival 2020

Last Monday, Mr Darbyshire led our assembly and we learned about the traditional Hindu festival ‘The Holi Festival’. Some of us got to have a turn using powder paint to create colour clouds. 


Back in Oak class we explored colour through lots of activities. Miss Cross did an Attention…

20 Mar

Oak - Rainbow Day 2020

Last Friday, Oak had their belated Rainbow Day and celebrated how we are all different. 


First we read the story ‘We Are All Different’. We took turns using mirrors to talk about how we all look and what we had that was the same or different. Oscar told us he had glasses and Tig said he…

16 Mar

7G get colourful!

Last week 7G celebrated Holi festival. This is a Hindu festival where the coming of spring is celebrated through lots of colourful activities. 

7G chose red as their colour to come into school in. All the children had an item of clothing on that was red. 
With Mr Murphy in the morning they all…

15 Mar

Holi art in Willow class

On Monday, Willow class learnt about the Hindu spring festival Holi. We chose blue as our class colour and some children chose to wear this colour to school for the day. Willow class loved the idea of the paint throwing celebrations and made their own powder paint art following an attention autism…

14 Mar

Happy Holi Day from 10R

Happy Holi Day everybody.

Earlier this week 10R researched and celebrated Holi day.

First of all the class were emailed a task to find out just what Holi day is and why it is celebrated. They then had to decide on activities linked to the celebration before emailing Mr Buckley back with…

22 Jan

Oak - World Religion Week 2020

Last week in celebration of World Religion Week, Oak got busy learning about Judaism ✡️.

On Monday, Miss Curry read ‘The Creation Story’ in our class assembly and we all said what we could see in the pictures. 

On Tuesday, we learnt that Jewish people worship God in a Synagogue, like…

22 Jan

1 Wedding and 1 Baptism in 8R

In class last week we have been looking at Christianity. Miss Heaton has been teaching us all about what happens at a baptism and awedding in a church. We were able to role play a wedding out wearing Mrs Devlin's very old wedding dress and veil. We completed some worksheets to show how much we had…

20 Jan

9Gs Islam Week

9G were all very busy last week learning all about the religion ‘Islam’. We learnt all about the Islam Creation Story, got to look at pictures of different areas of a mosque, made prayer mats, made mosaics, practised yoga and made chicken curry. We also got to take turns using a prayer mat to pray…

17 Jan

8G- World Religion Week- Christianity

On Thursday morning, 8G continued their work on Christianity for World Religion Week.

We read a sensory story all about Jesus walking on water.

Jesus had gone up to the mountains to pray alone, while his friends (the disciples) went on a boat and sailed out to sea.

It started to rain-…

17 Jan

7R learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week 2020!

This week, 7R have been learning about Sikhism. We started by learning about the 5Ks. We watched videos and interacted with props before making our own Kangha or designing a Kirpan. We talked about what the 5Ks represented for Sikhs. We then learnt all about the Gudwara. We learnt about the…

17 Jan

Learning about Hinduism

This week has been World Religion Week in school and 10R have been learning all about Hinduism. We have learnt about Hindu Temples and the god Brahman and how worship takes place amongst Hindus. We have also looked at the creative side within the Hindu faith. This has seen 10R create their very…

17 Jan

10G World Religion Week - January 2020

What a fantastic week 10G have had, exploring Hinduism. We have dressed in traditional clothing, visited a place of worship, meditated with Yoga, enjoyed creating music with instruments and our voices, made Diwali lamps and also Rangoli patterns. This afternoon we finished off making traditional…