24 Apr

Hands on for Earth Day in 7A.

Today we have learnt all about Earth Day.

We celebrate Earth Day to show how much we care about the Earth.

7A looked at a presentation about Earth Day 2023. They discussed all the different things we could do to help look after Earth, from recycling, walking instead of travelling by car or…

22 Apr

Chestnut get back into the swing of things


What another action packed week it’s been in Chestnut Class. As it’s a new term we have begun the topic ‘Down on the Farm’. The pupils have enjoyed exploring farm animals toys and singing ‘Old McDonald had a farm’. 


We have also celebrated Eid-al-fitr. The pupils where given the…

21 Apr

7A celebrate Eid.

Today we have been looking at the Eid holiday.

Eid al-Fitr is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

The day starts with prayers…

21 Apr

9A Eid celebrations!

In 9A this week, we’ve been learning about Eid. 

The children enjoyed our focused lesson about Eid and Islamic Culture. 


First of all, we discussed what Eid is: a festival to celebrate the end of Ramadan. We recapped what Ramadan is and other important Islamic traditions and aspects of…

21 Apr

A very productive week first week back in sycamore !!

Welcome back ! 
Hit the ground running this week with some amazing digital art work . The children looked at digital images and used their words to talk about what they could see. The children then recreated the art work by using colours on the same image and adding in a printed photograph of…

31 Mar

7A’s ‘eggciting’ week.

Our last week before the Easter break and we have been very busy!

We have made Easter cards using our colouring skills or painting our hands, which we hope you like.

Wednesday- the day we have all been waiting for - photo booth day… it didn’t disappoint! We had a absolute blast as you can…

31 Mar

Easter fun in Maple Class

Maple Class have enjoyed a super week enjoying Spring themed activities including fantastic Attention Autism reveals of Spring animals and an Easter egg hunt! We have created beautiful sun catchers, followed step by step instructions to make chick paintings and made Easter nests!  Well done…

30 Mar

Milkshakes in Willow Class

This term Willow Class have been learning about kitchen safety during our cooking lessons. We have been thinking about risks and hazards in the kitchen and how we can keep ourselves safe.

For a treat before the Easter break, our cooking group made milkshakes! We followed a recipe and used the…

27 Mar

Chestnut Class get back in action

Good afternoon,


What another action packed week it’s been in Chestnut Class. As it’s a new term we have begun the topic ‘Down on the Farm’. The pupils have enjoyed exploring farm animals toys and singing ‘Old McDonald had a farm’. 


We have also celebrated Eid-al-fitr. The pupils…

27 Mar

Hoppy Easter!

What a busy term we have had!

The gentlemen in Oak Class have made great progress, the staff team are very proud!

This week we have followed communication board instructions to get creative with Easter crafts and treats. Group 2 also enjoyed swimming on Monday morning.

Our daily relax…

24 Mar

Busy Few Weeks in 7P

We have had a busy few weeks in 7P.

Last week we celebrated British Science Week by carrying out an experiment with cups and string. We found this really funny especially when we went outside with the really long string! We could hear our friends through the cups very loudly and we tried to…

24 Mar

Oak Class Zoo Vets

Oak Class have had a very busy week! 

We have explored the story of the ‘Zoo Vet’ with sensory experiences. We have worked hard on expressing ‘I see…’ and ‘I hear…’ across contexts.

We have also explored string instruments in our Charanga sessions. Confidence was gained during food…