27 Sep

Week 4 Cooking and Visiting the Library

Week 4 Cooking and Visiting the Library 


This week 7P started their “Food Technology” and “Community Access” sessions.

This year we have decided to split the class for these activities so we can give the learners a more personalised experience. 


One group visited the local…

20 Sep

Week 3 in 7P Celebrating

Week 3 in 7P Celebrating!


Wednesday of this week, 7P and the rest of Astley Park School participated in celebrating Ofsted giving us, again, an outstanding result by inflatables coming into school. 

Luckily for the school, the weather was on our side, glorious sunshine!

7P took their…

20 Sep

Jeans for Genes Day in 7P

Jeans for Genes day in 7P.


Friday, Astley Park had non school uniform day and everyone could, if they wanted, come into school in Jeans for Genes Day. We all enjoyed dressing up together to support the brilliant cause and understood that we all need to treat everyone kindly and make sure…

15 Sep

Week 2 in 7P

Week 2 in 7P


All the learners have settled in really well in their new class. 


This week 7P went on a scavenger hunt around school. They all went off in their groups and looked for different items. 

We saw lots of leaves when on the track, and beautiful little yellow and white…

6 Sep

1st Week in 7P

7Ps first week..


A huge welcome to our new 7P learners and their families.

It was lovely seeing the learners starting their new chapter in secondary in their grey jumpers. It made them look a year older!


What great fun we have had this week getting to know each other. 


19 Jul

Final week in 8A

Our final week in 8A


Wow, what can we say. It’s been an amazing year in 8A. We have had plenty of laughs and also worked really hard all year! 

So, to celebrate our year in 8A, we had our own little celebration awards assembly in class. 

The learners were Worlds Best in different…

12 Jul

End of year trip with 8A

On Tuesday, 8A went on their end of year trip. We walked into Chorley and made our way to Escape Entertainment where the staff were waiting for us. 

When we went in we got ourselves settled and then started playing Crazy Golf. Wow, what amazing aim they all had and we even had a few holes in…

21 Jun

Sports week in 8A

Sports week in 8A


Our first activity at the start of our Sport week was Yoga. 

We were introduced to Tracey again who started our Yoga session by a little Meditation. We followed Tracey’s instructions and did a big breath in then big breath out whilst holding their chest with their…

21 Jun

Ducklings in 8A

Duck visit in 8A


This week we have had a few special visitors. Miss Molloy from Sycamore class arranged for Astley Park to be the proud owners of some duck eggs. The school has looked after these duck eggs and three of the eggs hatched. 

In turn each class within Astley Park have looked…

14 Jun

Rainbow week in 8A

What a busy week it’s been in 8A.

This week it’s been Rainbow week and Neurodiversity week.


At the start of the Rainbow activity day the class target was to say one thing they have learnt about Rainbow day / Pride month after the activity. 


Firstly, 8A watched a video about…

7 Jun

Potion designing in 8A

On Wednesday, 8A did an exciting science lesson with Miss Robertson. Their target was to design their very own potion. 

Firstly 8A watched a clip from Harry Potter where the pupils from Hogwarts were making their own potions. 

8A then looked at different shaped potion bottles on their IPads…

24 May

Hunger Day and William Syndrome in 8A

This Tuesday Astley Park School looked at “World Hunger Day”. 

Some learners in school brought in non perishable food items to donate. Thank you. These items will be donated to the locate food bank that families use when they are in difficult times.  

8A was asked to write down on a white…