22 Dec

7A are ready for Christmas!

7A have had a very busy half term. Have a look below to see what we have been up to..

This half term we have been out and about in the local community weekly and have enjoyed visiting different places in Chorley – we have been to Astley Park, Pets Corner, Chorley Town, Asda and Devonshire Road…

13 Nov

Remembrance Day 2023


On Friday, Astley Park School participated in Remembrance Day activities and traditions.

Throughout school, learners were presented with many fabulous activities and learning opportunities to support them experience and learn all about Remembrance Day.

Our Explorers, had ample…

2 Nov

7A are Back!

This week 7A have been very busy settling back into routine and getting back into the swing of learning, through some Halloween and Bonfire Night theme activities.

On Tuesday, we applied our speaking, writing and drawing skills to share stories about our half-term and then applied our creative…

21 Jul

Our Final Week in Willow 22-23

We have has a fantastic year in Willow Class and have had a fabulous year continuing to achieve new goals.

We made picnics on Wednesday and headed to Astley Park, testing out the picnic boxes we made in our Workshop lessons.

On Friday we enjoyed an ice cream treat, before finding out we were…

17 Jul

Pioneer Day in Willow Class

Last week in circle time, Willow class learned about Pioneer Day. We learned some simple facts including;

  • Pioneer Day is a holiday celebrated on the 24th July every year.
  • Mormons celebrate Pioneer Day and they celebrate with fireworks, rodeos and parades. 
  • A Mormon is someone who follows…
12 Jul

Isla’s Birthday in Willow Class

Isla had lots of fun celebrating her birthday in Willow class last Wednesday, we played party games, danced and enjoyed some cake too! We hope you had a lovely birthday Isla.



11 Jul

Willow Class - End of Year Trip

Last Wednesday, Willow Class took off their learning hats and headed off site for a day filled with treat activities. 

Willow Class had been given the chance to share their ideas of what they would like to do to celebrate all their hard work and together they chose playing at the park,…

10 Jul

Willow class trip to the Mosque

Last Monday, Willlow class went on a trip to the Mosque. We enjoyed looking in the Mosque, listening to a call to prayer and learning about why Muslims go to Mosque. We learned some new words and looked at Arabic letters. We also learned lots of things about Muslim families as we have been…

9 Jul

Willow class sharing our learning online safety event

In Willow class this week we had an online safety sharing our learning event. We invited parents in and discussed important things about online safety and how to keep safe online.

9 Jul

What the ladybird heard party in Willow class

In Willow class this half term we have been reading the story ‘What the ladybird heard.’ We planned our own party for the end of term. We dressed as animals or in our favourite colours, we had our face painted, we decorated biscuits with red and black icing to make ladybirds, we played pin the…

28 Jun

Willow Class - Quadkids

This afternoon, Willow were very lucky to avoid the rain! We headed to Westway Sports Hub, to represent Astley Park School at the Quadkids event. Willow class completed various activities and challenges and made Astley Park proud. 

Well Done Willow Class! 

16 Jun

Rainbow Day in Willow

Willow Class have been very busy this week celebrating what makes us different. 

We started the week learning more about each others families, using the ‘willow class family tree’ to talk about our different family members and had lots of fun looking at how much we have changed and grown since…