21 Sep

Busy in Sycamore!

Last week Group A and Group B had lots of fun in Sycamore Class.

On Monday and Tuesday, Group A enjoyed a messy Attention Autism using water to spray shaving foam off pictures of the friends in their group – we have been working very hard learning the names of our new friends and teachers. We…

11 Sep

Welcome to Sycamore!

Welcome to Sycamore Class! 

Sycamore Class have all been very excited to be back in school and exploring their new classroom.  

We have had lots of fun making new friends and trying to remember our friend’s names. 

We have enjoyed lots of group activities including, yoga, playdough gym,…

7 Aug

Summer School: Group 4 - Week 2

We have had lots of fun at summer school this week with group 4. 

Miss Cross, Miss Robertson, Mr Aindow and Mrs Simpson have had lots of fun with Lottie, Harry, Isla, Harrison, George, Sean, Austin, Jacob, Harvey, Ruby, William, Teddy and Daniel.

On Monday we had fun exploring outside and…

31 Jul

Summer School - Group 4: Week 1

What a wonderful first week in summer school for Group 4.

Miss Cross, Mrs Cobham and Miss Brophy have had lots of fun with Autsin, Noah, Jack, Jake, William, Teddy, Daniel, Connor and Owen.

On Monday we had lots of fun playing games singing and dancing - Austin’s favourite was…

17 Jul

Welcome to Sycamore Class!

Hello everyone and welcome to Sycamore Class!

Sycamore class had a great time on Wednesday meeting some of their new friends on Microsoft Teams. It was lovely see so many smiley faces.

In Sycamore we are welcoming 11 children; Aidan, Ben, Ethan, Isobel, Joshua, Ollie, Oliver, Ruby, Sian, Tig…

3 Jul

Happy Birthday Ruby!

Today is Ruby's birthday!

We hope you have a great day and enjoy celebrating with your family and have lots of birthday fun over the weekend.

Miss Cross, Miss Woods, Mrs Banks and Mrs Simpson send lots of happy birthday wishes to you, and I am sure your friends do too.

Happy Birthday…

26 Jun

Oak Get Active At Home

Week 14 has been a very busy and active week for some of our learners from Oak class. It was Sports Week, so Mrs McDonnell and Mr Murphy planned lots of activities and challenges. Oak class teachers even set Oak some of their own sports week challenges too.


Sports Week - Week 14: 

26 Jun

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 13 & 14

Hello everyone! 

We hope you are all being safe and enjoying the sun with your sun hats and sun cream!

Let’s have a quick catch up from our 13th and 14th week learning from home.

Learning from Home - Week 13 & 14: 

  • Ethan has done more reading, writing and maths work. He enjoyed…
19 Jun

Happy Birthday Oliver!

Tomorrow is Oliver’s birthday..

We hope you have a great day and had lots of fun with Mummy, Daddy and Thomas.
Miss Cross, Miss Woods, Mrs Banks and Mrs Simpson send lots of happy birthday wishes to you, and I am sure your friends do too.

Happy Birthday Oliver! 

12 Jun

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 12

Hello everybody, 

What a wonderful time Oak class have had this week!

This morning 8 children from Oak joined Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs Banks on a video call.

We loved seeing so many familiar and smiling faces!

It has been great to hear such positive comments from your parents…

9 Jun

Oak - Learning From Home: Week 10 & 11

Hello everybody,  

It is fantastic to see and hear that you are all working hard and making lots of good choices at home. 

Your teachers have loved seeing pictures of you completing challenges alongside lots of learning activities. 

Over the past two weeks Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs…

26 May

Oak - Learning From Home: Week 8 & 9

Hello everybody, 

It has been wonderful to see and hear more about your fantastic learning from home adventures.  

Over the past two weeks your teachers in Oak have been working hard with the teachers from Maple to create learning from home videos for our YouTube channel, linking to our…