12 Feb

Dodd Group got very wet on our second day at Calvert!

We needed our waterproofs and wellies on day 2 at Calvert! In the morning we went to Goldscope Mine. This involved a walk and a trip inside a dark mine. We used torches to guide us through the mine and we looked for metal in the roof. We talked about what it might be like to work in a mine and…

12 Feb

Dodd Group brave day 1 at Calvert with Mrs Crouch, Miss Mahood and Mr Murphy!

We spent our first full day at Calvert doing some very challenging activities!

After breakfast, we went horse riding at the stables. Some of us were nervous but everybody had a go (even Mrs Crouch!). The horses were lovely and the staff looked after us really well. We played games and learnt…

12 Feb

7Rs first evening at Calvert!

It was Kristen’s birthday on the day we travelled down to Calvert. We celebrated with birthday cake and time in the pool after tea! 

12 Feb

A big thank you to our super swimmers!

On Saturday, a group of our super swimmers took part in the charity Swimarathon at All Seasons Leisure Centre to raise money for our school charity, FAPS. Our school charity will receive a portion of money raised via sponsorships, with the rest being divided between other local charities. The…

12 Feb

7R learn about the rotten Romans!

Today 7R celebrated “History day” as we missed it last week due to our Calvert residential trip. We have had a fantastic day!

This morning, Mrs Crouch split us into research teams. Each team was given research questions to find out the answer to. The teams had to delegate roles to decide a…

12 Feb

Thomas leads 7R's Safer Internet Day Lesson! #SaferInternetDay #freetobe

Yesterday we watched a video about Safer Internet Day (https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2020/i-am-educator/film-what-does-my-avatar-say-about-me).  It told us to use avatars online to keep us safe. We should use avatars instead of our photos online. I helped…

27 Jan

7R Celebrate Chinese New Year!

Today 7R have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We spent the morning reading a story that taught us about the animals that the years are named after. We used masks to act out the story once we had listened to it and practiced playing parts by thinking of something the different animals…

24 Jan

7R learn about food chains

This week in our "Understanding of the World" lessons, we have been learning about where animals get their food from. We learnt that animals need food to grow and to have energy. We have learnt that some animals are carnivores (only eat meat), some are herbivores (only eat plants) and some are…

23 Jan

7R are artists!

7R have been learning about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo as part of our "Food, Glorious Food" topic. We learnt that he created portraits using images of fruits and vegetables. We made our own art in his style using 3D art (using real fruits and vegetables) and drawing. We enjoyed the activity…

17 Jan

7R learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week 2020!

This week, 7R have been learning about Sikhism. We started by learning about the 5Ks. We watched videos and interacted with props before making our own Kangha or designing a Kirpan. We talked about what the 5Ks represented for Sikhs. We then learnt all about the Gudwara. We learnt about the…

15 Jan

Introducing Brain Eater!

During this weeks Superflex session we met “Brain Eater”, the unthinkable character that eats our thinking brains when we use technology or distract or are distracted by others. We talked about the impact of using technology at bed time, and how if we are up late watching TV or playing on our…

14 Jan

7R enjoy a Tuesday treat!

This morning 7R have been practicing their Functional Maths skills in the community. We are learning all about money. We went to Massas cafe and enjoyed an ice cream or a snack and a drink. We were asked to order and pay for our own snack. Some of us found finding the correct coins to make a total…