19 Mar

Oak Explore The Monkey Puzzle

In Oak Class this week we have been exploring our theme of zoo through The Monkey Puzzle, a sensory story about a little monkey who lost his mum and we saw a slithering snake, a ribetting frog, a beautiful butterfly and a brightly coloured parrot with lots of fluffy feathers which we got to feel…

12 Mar

All Together Now in Oak Class

Oak class have all reunited this week and we’ve had so much fun seeing all of our friends in school again! 


Although some of us were a bit nervous to come back into school, we have had such a good time in our new outside area and have been very busy again. We sang Five Little Speckled…

5 Mar

Oak Class celebrate World Book Day

Oak class have been superheroes this week! We have had so much fun in forest school, on the climbing frame and of course, in our classroom where we explored our chosen book - Supertato.

For World Book Day, we practiced making prints with potatoes, made our own Supertatos and dressed up as…

26 Feb

Different Families, Same love in Oak Class

This week Oak Class have been learning all about different families, same love.

On Monday we read ‘The Family Book’ and drew our own families. We spoke to each other about who is in our families. We spoke about our Mums, Dads, Grandads, Grandmas, Brothers and Sisters. Isla and Harvey wrote on…

12 Feb

Happy Birthday Harvey!

Oak Class have had such an exciting and busy week doing some excellent learning and celebrating Harvey's birthday! We wanted to say a big thank you to Harvey and his mum for the red Spiderman cake that he brought in for his friends and teachers! We hope you had a really fun birthday,…

5 Feb

Oak Make Memories

This week in Oak Class we have been able to make lots of memories with our families at home whilst also exploring emotions, numbers and practicing our writing. 

Isla and Harvey played not one but two games with Miss Curry about emotions and they did great counting of the numbers on the die!…

29 Jan

Oak Get Messy!

Oak Class have been very busy and very messy this week! Thank you to all of the parents for sending spare clothes in, please continue to send those in so we can carry on having the fun that we've had this week! 


Isla and Harvey have been exploring animals in the edible mud that Miss…

22 Jan

Oak Explore Holi, The Festival of Colour

In Oak Class we have really enjoyed celebrating World Religion Week with our friends at home. Miss Curry read us all the story of the Holi festival on our Teams call this week and Isla, Harvey and Toby used some really colourful powder paint to spell out the word Holi using a sieve. It was really…

15 Jan

Oak Class go to space!

This week Oak class have been very busy learning with their teachers in school and their mums and dads at home. Although we are not all in school, we have been able to see some of our friends on two Teams calls. On Monday's call Miss Curry read a very exciting story about Yoff, Zid and Mab (three…

8 Jan

A big welcome to Miss Armstrong and Mrs Baxendale

As we say goodbye from Oak to Mrs Simpson and Miss Branfield we are also saying a big welcome to Mrs Baxendale and Miss Armstrong. 

Miss Armstrong has previously worked at Astley Park but has been on maternity leave for the past year, she has welcomed a little girl called Jessa and is now…

17 Dec

Oak Class Explore Islam

This week in Oak class we have been exploring Islam and Sadaqah. We watched Miss Curry deliver an attention autism showing us the stars and the moon and listened as she told us we were going to be exploring a religion called Islam. We looked at how Muslims are very kind to each other and we talked…

9 Dec

Oak Class: A Sneak Peek

This week Oak class have been working extremely hard to put our clip together for the schools Christmas Performance ‘Coronativity’. We’re very excited for our parents to see what we have done.