Willow’s winter wonderland
What a wonderful winter week for Willow class!
We have continued our work on the story “a Christmas collar”, learnt more about Arctic animals in science and started practicing for our class play, making outfits and rehearsing.
We also worked really hard with our maths this week looking at…
Willow wishes Kayla a happy birthday!
This week Willow class had our second class party of the year- another new 11 year old!
This Wednesday we wished Kayla a very happy birthday and had a party in the afternoon!
We played musical bumps, don’t drop the balloon and ate some yummy cake that Kayla very kindly brought in to share!
Willow Class challenges gender stereotypes
This week Willow class looked at gender stereotypes and thought about what ideas we already had about gender, maybe without realising. We tied this into looking at how this affects the jobs and hobbies we think people can have due to their gender.
We explored which stereotypes we were affected…
Willow class thinks of others- Remembrance day and Children in Need
Willow class have had two special theme days to enjoy this week- Remembrance Day and Children in Need.
On Wednesday 11th we looked at what Poppy Day means to us and how it’s nice to show we are grateful and show respect. We all are very respectful in Willow class and are trying to hard to…
Bonfire night in Willow class!
Wow Willow class, what a great first week back!
You have had a great start to the new term. We have started our class book of Little red riding hood, looking at the characters and how we can use descriptive language like adjectives to define characters in book. Some of us even tried writing a…
Wicked Willow gets spooky!
Prepare to be scared when you see these spooky pictures of Willow class!
Willow Class worked so hard this week to create some amazing Halloween decorations!
Everyone has been super brainy, working with class adults to complete assessments so we can try some fun new work after half term! We…
Happy birthday Olivia!
This week Willow class was very excited to have our first ever class birthday party!
It is Olivia’s birthday this week and she was so kind bringing in treats and cake to share with everyone. We all had an amazing party playing games like pass the parcel, musical statues and pin the horn on the…
Hello Yellow Day in Willow Class
Today Willow Class took part in Hello Yellow day, raising money to support young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day.
We have learnt all about the zones of regulation this term. We been working hard to recognise our own emotions and to understand how our brain and bodies feel when…
Virtual coffee morning for Willow Class
Today, Willow Class hosted a virtual coffee morning to share with our parents so they could see what we got up to!
Mrs Scambler ran a cake shop in class and we all had a go at decorating our own cakes so we could have cakes and chat in class. Miss Riley gave us all a challenge as we had to…
Willow’s last mini bubble week!
What a week in willow class!
This was our last week in our mini-class-bubbles! We spent lots of time playing turntaking friends with our mini-bubble and chatting about how excited we are to be a big class bubble next week.
We tried lots of different bubble based activities, from bubble…
Willow Class reach new heights!
What a week for Willow Class!
Both bubble A and bubble B were so excited to finally have a go on the new climbing frame!
We loved helping each other and taking turns on the different areas of the climbing frame. We have all done such fantastic sharing in our bubbles, trying out new games and…
Fantastic first day, for Willow Group A!
Today was the first day back at school for Willow Group A!
Lots of the children had been looking at the Group B blog, getting excited to come back to school and staff were excited to welcome them back.
We all did fantastic listening and learnt all about our new friends and how things would…