25 Mar

Epilepsy Awareness Day in 8A

Today 8A have been learning about epilepsy. We learnt what tonic/clinic seizures, absence seizures and focal seizures look like and talked about how we can help people who are experiencing seizures. We took part in a short first aid session where we learnt how we can keep somebody safe if they…

25 Mar

11R Clean Up in Enterprise

This term 11R have taken part in an enterprise activity to raise money towards year  11’s prom.  We produced some lovely homemade soap that were sold as gifts for Mothers Day gifts this weekend.
First pupils had to cut up the soap base in and then melt it in the microwave. Pupils showed us how…

25 Mar

Lots of Easter fun in Beech class!

Beech class have had lots of fun preparing for Easter!
We’ve been super creative and made yellow handprint chicks, chocolate crispy nests and homemade Playdough. In our tuff trays we have explored eggs, chicks, and bunnies in a variety of different sensory mediums. We’ve also enjoyed tasting some…

25 Mar

Farewell to Miss Brophy

On Monday it was odd sock day to celebrate Down syndrome. 

Miss Brophys lesson was about how everyone is different and this is ok. 

9G discussed all our different hair colours, our different skin colour, all our different pets and how we all have different family members we live…

25 Mar

Rowan Class enjoying the sunshine!

Rowan Class enjoyed the sunshine this week, with lots of team games outside. We did very well at taking turns and cheering on our friends. We continued with our topic of Into the Woods by looking at the story, Superworm. We had a Superworm challenge, making different size worms with play dough. We…

25 Mar

International Epilepsy Day, a birthday & a teddy bears picnic

It has been a very busy day in Maple! Pupils have worn purple and explored purple themed activities to celebrate International Epilepsy Day. Attention autism was the delivery method of choice, pupils then created purple pasta bracelets and explored the purple tuff tray. We had a big 7th birthday…

25 Mar

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

On Monday we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day in school.

We celebrate on this day because 21st March signifies the uniqueness of of the trisomy of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome.

Lots of the learners wore odd socks to school to celebrate.

Some of our learners designed…

25 Mar

10R’s world epilepsy day 2022

Today as a Whole School we took part in World epilepsy day. 

10R wore purple and watched a powerpoint to help us all understand epilepsy and the effect this has on others. 

As part of our day 10R watched Staff deal with an pretend seizure and how to deal with this should it happen to them…

25 Mar

Football Champions

It was a pleasure on Wednesday to take 13 pupils and 3 staff members to represent Astley Park School at Lancashire Special Schools U14 and U16 football league playing 8 competitive games in very warm conditions. Both teams played each game with a positive team spirit working hard for each other…

25 Mar

Run Sycamore Run!

This week we enjoyed doing PE in the sun.


Everyone took part, listened well to instructions and tried very very hard! 

We enjoyed doing some races, using different equipment and working as a team in a relay race. 

It was lovely to see and hear everyone supporting each other. 

25 Mar

9R International Epilepsy Day

In order to celebrate International Epilepsy Day 9R decided to take part in the 50 million steps challenge by walking around the track on our school field ten times which added up to one full mile. 

We all managed to complete the challenge and we all enjoyed the exercise in the fresh air…

25 Mar

7a get busy to celebrate the special ladies in our lives !

This week in 7 a we have been busy making some special treats to thank the special ladies around us. Some children decided to make their gifts for their mums , grandmas , aunties and sisters. At the start of the week the class used different materials and colours to mix up some lovely scented soap…