20 Apr

10R Enjoying Their Holibobs

What a great day!


the morning started with a hearty breakfast! Followed by nothing but adventure! Thrown into all of that we also had a birthday celebration!


Morning activity - canoeing

Afternoon activity - Ghyll scrambling

Evening activity - Swimming 

Down time - Games…

20 Apr

Dodd group have a wonderfully wet start to residential

7P are having a wonderful start to residential. Our group is called Dodd group and our instructor is Lou. We are having so much fun! Everyone has settled in really well. 

Last night we enjoyed a session in the Calvert swimming pool. We loved the lights and music! We had a chill in the games…

20 Apr

Willow Class Celebrate Passover

Welcome back Willow Class!!!

Yesterday we learnt all about the Jewish holiday of Passover. 
We looked at the story of Moses and why Passover is celebrated. Willow Class listened really well to the story and asked some fantastic questions!!

We then looked at how Passover is celebrated and…

19 Apr

10R Arrive on Residential

We have safely arrived at Calvert.


We have settled well and met our designated instructor for the week. 

After getting all settled and given some kit. We sampled our first meal. Absolutely delicious!


Following this we head out up the mountain to watch a gorgeous sunset and…

19 Apr

11R Spring into Action

As part of of their ASDAN Environmental awareness module 11R have got to work in the school polytunnel. We started by clearing out the beds removing all the weeds that had been growing over the winter and lifting out the bulbs and putting them into pots ready to replant. Then new soil and compost…

15 Apr

11R Final term and counting!!! - April 2022

Hello and welcome to our final year 11R summer term. This term is going to be fast and furious as we have lots to get through. 

As you will probably already know lots of our students have sat their initial entry level exams in maths and English. Some of the students will be continuing to sit…

7 Apr

Holiday Heroes Group 2

Group 2 have had an amazing time in Holiday Heroes this Easter. 

On Tuesday, we visited Brew and Buddies playcentre in Burscough and we had the place all to ourselves as it was a private booking. We loved climbing up the play frame and then racing our friends down on the slide. We had some…

7 Apr

Holiday Heroes Group 1

Holiday Heroes have had an action packed few days! On Tuesday we enjoyed soft play, slides and climbing at Brew and Buddies and had delicious waffles and pancakes with fruit with friends. We have been busy accessing sensory circuits, enjoying Easter crafts, Attention Autism, the outdoor area and…

7 Apr

Holiday Heroes Group 3!

Our senior group had an action packed 3 days in Holiday Heroes.  

We have had lots of fun in school taking part in different activities such as arts and crafts, baking, board games, playing games on the Nintendo Switch, riding the scooters in the hall and imaginative play. We enjoyed spending…

1 Apr

10R Celebrate Easter

10R had a crackin’ time today on an Egg Hunt around school!


We enjoyed doing several Easter themed activities today.


We would like to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER!

1 Apr

A “cracking” week in 9G

This week has been a busy week with lots of Easter activities.

On Tuesday some of us sequenced the Saving Easter Story that Miss Grant read out to the class. Others decorated pictures of eggs and played a Saving Easter board game. There was some ‘cracking’ counting during the game, great…

1 Apr

Beech class final week of spring term.

For our final week of term, we have been focusing on our personal learning goals. We have practiced turn taking games, matching objects to images, exploring sensory trays, and using our PECs.

Super job everyone! Hope you have a lovely Easter holiday.