11 Dec

Frederick the Elf has to quarantine


When Mrs Cobham arrived in school on Monday there was an envelope addressed to class 9R under the door. John and Caron didn’t know where it had come from and said it wasn’t there on Friday when school closed. Frederick the elf was sat in the celebrations tub with his face covered in…

11 Dec

Sycamore Share Their Learning...

This morning some of our families joined us on Microsoft Teams for our Share our Learning event.

We enjoyed sharing a Christmas Quiz! 

Sycamore worked in 3 small teams and worked together to think about the questions and write out the answers. 

Great work everybody!

11 Dec

Christmas Party Lunch in Sycamore!

On Thursday we all enjoyed a very yummy and very special McDonalds treat for our lunch. 

We all chose our own dinner and sat with our friends, talking more about Christmas and the toys that came in our happy meals!

11 Dec


This has been an amazing week in 9G! 

We have really got into the Christmas spirit this week. The week started with a little bit of sad news and the cheeky elf had been mixing bubbles with some of the other elves! We got a letter from Father Christmas encouraging us to put Elf in a jar for the…

11 Dec

8R Christmas party and lunch

8R have had a festive fun filled week this week! We have been so busy and are definitely ready for a nice quiet weekend.

This week we have had our Christmas party and our Christmas lunch! And even worn our best Christmas jumpers.

On Wednesday we had our class Christmas party and Miss Brophy…

11 Dec

Rowan - Christmas Fun

This week in Rowan class we have been doing lots of Christmas activities. 

On Wednesday we had our Christmas dinner cooked by the wonderful staff in the kitchen at school which was delicious. 

Thursday we learnt about Hanukkah and created our own Star of David and Menorah. In the afternoon…

11 Dec

10R Would like to wish you Hanukkah Sameach

As the Jewish faith start the Festival of Hanukkah this week, 10R have been using their internet searching skills to independently research 3 facts about the festival. Pupils were asked to put these facts into a poster and then present their poster to the class using mirror screening. Pupils…

11 Dec

Beech class Christmas celebrations

This week we have had our Christmas lunch and Christmas party. We had lots of fun wearing our hats and playing pass the parcel, we did some dancing too! We have explored lots of sensory trays including a foam snowman that we loved. We had our share our learning Christmas bun song and wore our…

10 Dec

8G Holidays are coming, Holidays are coming

Well we have had another very busy week in 8G as we build up to the Christmas holidays. At the start of the week we filmed our song for the Christmas production and on Wednesday we used a screen to make pictures for a Sharing Our Learning Kahoot quiz next week.  

All the pupils have…

9 Dec

10R Christmas Party Fun

Today we started the party with a chippy lunch, a nice treat to start the celebrations.
Following on from a bit of fresh air to let our lunch settle, we had an afternoon of party games and laughter! We played pin the nose on Santa, Reindeer hoopla, pass the parcel and festive corners. 


9 Dec

Oak Class: A Sneak Peek

This week Oak class have been working extremely hard to put our clip together for the schools Christmas Performance ‘Coronativity’. We’re very excited for our parents to see what we have done.


9 Dec

Christmas Dinner Day in Sycamore!

What a great treat to have an early Christmas dinner in class with all our friends today.

Sycamore enjoyed pulling crackers, telling jokes, eating lots of yummy food and talking about what we all want for Christmas! 

We are very excited for Christmas now!