11G Christmas blog
What a fabulous final week we have had before the start of our Christmas break.
As a class we have done so many activities over the week and had so much fun. We used rolling pins to roll out dough before we cut out gingerbread men, we had great fun once they were cooked, decorating them and…

8R learn about Islam
This afternoon 8R have done some very important work all about Islam.
First of all we listened to some information all about Islam and talked about why it is important that we know about other religions.
After this we discussed Sadaqah. We learnt that this is all about charity and being kind…

Maple Class - Breakfast with Santa!
Maple Class had a brilliant morning on Wednesday, enjoying breakfast with Santa! We watched a Christmas movie, ate jam on toast and cereal, and drank some lovely hot chocolate. Santa visited us virtually and one of his elves dropped off a present for each of us!
Happy Christmas Maple…

8R’s busy week before Christmas
WOW! 8R have had such a busy week this week.
This week started off with something exciting. It was Jakes birthday on the weekend so he was very kind and brought in some yummy sweets to share with us all, thanks Jake!
We have finished off our letters to Santa this week and have all done some…

Oak Class Explore Islam
This week in Oak class we have been exploring Islam and Sadaqah. We watched Miss Curry deliver an attention autism showing us the stars and the moon and listened as she told us we were going to be exploring a religion called Islam. We looked at how Muslims are very kind to each other and we talked…
Christmas is coming in Rowan Class!
Our last week in Rowan class before Christmas and we have been doing lots of Christmas activities!
Bingo! Rowan class loved Christmas bingo on Tuesday.
On Wednesday we had our breakfast with Santa. It was so exciting wearing our pyjamas, seeing Santa and receiving our presents…

10G Week of 7th December
10G had a very busy week last week. We had a lovely video call with Miss Bamber and her baby girl. We got to learn all about how to keep babies clean, why babies can be demanding and what new parents can do if they need help. Then on Wednesday we got to go for a walk around Chorley Town Centre and…

Merry Christmas 7A!
Today has been our last full day together in 7A before Christmas. We have had a very festive day to celebrate! We enjoyed our virtual breakfast with Santa this morning, opened our Christmas presents, enjoyed Christmas dinner and watched the school Christmas production. We have had a wonderful day.…

Happy Birthday Mrs Fisher
Yesterday we celebrated Mrs Fisher’s birthday. We hope you had a great day Mrs Fisher!

Willow class- Did somebody say.... SANTA?!
What an exciting day for Willow class!
We were all so happy to come to school in our cosy pyjamas and own clothes for a special Christmas breakfast. We were all eager to see Santa on the video call and got to speak to Santa on the screen at the front of class- we understood that Santa is doin…

Willow learn about Islam!
Last week Willow learnt about Islam, concentrating on how Islam teaches us to show kindness and to be charitable. We looked at their religious book, the Qur’an and what values Muslims are taught by Islam.
We are very lucky in Willow class because one of our friends taught us about how he…

10G Celebrate Hannukah!
On Friday the 11th of December 10G had a lovely morning learning all about Hannukah and celebrating it together. First we talked all about why people celebrate Hannukah, the meaning behind it and when and why it began. We then read the story all about Hannukah. We decorated our own Mennorah…