15 Jun

Six Star Challenge Awards Week 2

We have loved looking at the many photographs of our pupils having such fun completing last weeks challenges.

Week 2's Six Star Challenge Champions were:

Gold award - completing an AMAZING 6 stars:

Scarlett - Chesnut

Harvey- Maple

Thomas - 7R

Daisy - 8G

Thomas - 8R

Jessie -…

12 Jun

7G Learning at Home Week 11

Hi Everyone,

Another week of learning from home done. You have all been very busy!

I just wanted to say how lovely it was to see some of you on our video call this week! And well done for taking part in the plank challenge! I will be sending you a special mention!

Congratulations to…

12 Jun

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 12

Hello everybody, 

What a wonderful time Oak class have had this week!

This morning 8 children from Oak joined Miss Cross, Miss Woods and Mrs Banks on a video call.

We loved seeing so many familiar and smiling faces!

It has been great to hear such positive comments from your parents…

12 Jun

Learning from home 12/6/20 10G

Hello everyone,

Well, I have been working in school this week and also been doing some online work at home so I have been kept very busy and I am now ready for the weekend. 

Yesterday my friend bought me a bird table so last night  i put it up in the garden and then  I went out and bought…

12 Jun

What have 7R been up to this week?

Hi everybody, 

9 out of 11 of you managed to join our first class video call this afternoon which was FANTASTIC! It was lovely to see you all and hear about what you have enjoyed during lockdown. We have missed you so much. Lots of you have enjoyed baking and going out for walks, and some of…

12 Jun

11G - What have we been up to? Summer week 2

Hi all you 11G learners, fans, and followers,

I would like to start my blog by thanking those who have persisted throughout the ups and downs of being able to access our Teams Meetings online.  These are early days and I am glad that you stuck with me and we were able to overcome the barriers…

12 Jun

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term Week 7)

Wow! Already the end of another busy week for the staff, pupils and families of 8G both at home and in school. Well done all! Now let’s see what we have all been up to…

Starting with Rose who has been super busy at home, completing tasks on Purple Mash and Education City, watching our Pizza…

12 Jun

Another Busy Week for Chestnut

Chestnut Class are still on the theme of ‘Animals’ and we have all been having lots of fun at home this past couple of weeks, focusing on ‘Mini beasts’.

We have looked at the stories ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Superworm’ and then been getting busy with lots of themed activities.

12 Jun

Beech Club farm week

This week we have been looking at the farm and animals on the farm. We have done lots of jigsaws and matching puzzles with animals. We tried and explored some vegetables that could grow on a farm. We printed some sheep pictures and matched pig tails to the correct colours. we looked at big and…

12 Jun

8R Week 7

What a busy week we've had. One part of the Six Star Challenge, The Plank Challenge has really got us buzzing. We didn't compete against each other but just tried to improve our individual  times and we all succeeded. We discovered that playing music helped us and we all had different songs,…

12 Jun

Chestnut Class on the Farm, in school learning

This week in chestnut class we have been exploring and learning all about farm animals. 
The children have enjoyed joining in with lots of Attention Autism activities. We have had fun singing songs and exploring foods that are grown on the farm. We did some vegetable counting and sorting, each…

10 Jun

Six Star Challenge - plank position demonstration


We just thought we would share a video to show you how to do a correct plank exercise from Mr Murphy. It's fantastic to see so many of you trying these new challenges, keep it up.

A new challenge will be published each Monday for you to achieve your stars that week, this week is week 2.…