11 Oct

Lots of fun out and about with Maple class.

Well another busy, exciting week in Maple class .

We have had so much fun swimming at the beginning of the week , growing in confidence blowing bubbles in the water and even jumping in .

Maple have also really enjoyed our trips out in the community to Asda using our shopping list to shop for…

11 Oct

Week 6 in 8P!

This week we have looked at how busy we have all been over the weekend and discussed what we have done and who we have seen. Our friends have all been busy this weekend. Group 1 went on their Monday community visit to the shops to buy our ingredients for cooking on Thursday with Miss…

11 Oct

Beech class explore rainbows 2024-2025

This week beech class have explored all things rainbow. During our continuous provision we have enjoyed exploring different coloured sensory materials, playing in rainbow rice, building rainbow towers and catching colourful fish. We have also loved creating our own pictures using different…

10 Oct

This is me in Chestnut class

Chestnut class have enjoyed exploring our “this is me” topic. We’ve played with our favourite toys, looked at our reflections, and explored facial expressions.

We’re well established with our morning group routine now. First, we sing the hello song. Then, we check “what day is it today”.…

10 Oct

Amazing autumn in willow class

Our wonderful willow class children have been learning all about autumn over the last few weeks. They have created some beautiful pieces of art using paints and other media and explored our autumn tough tray, including leaves, sticks and insects! We listened to autumn stories including don’t hog…

9 Oct

Cake making for MacMillan Coffee Morning

In class 9P we have been making delicious yummy cakes for the macmillan Coffee Morning, which was held in school at the end of September.

9P enjoyed measuring and mixing all the ingredients to make chocolate cakes and we enjoyed icing fairy cakes and choosing our designs for the iced cakes. 

9 Oct

10A Week 6 - W/B 07.10.24

This week in English, we thought of a place we would like to visit on holiday and created a word bank to describe it. We then used these words to tell our families about our holiday on a postcard. We had to be sure to not write too much, as postcards aren't very big, but I think we all got across…

8 Oct

Autumn Term in 9P

 A lovely Autumn term back in 9P 

  • In maths we are doing number bonds.
  • Our science topic is looking at hard and soft objects.
  • Small group Lego therapy.
  • In P.E. we practiced balancing balls in the school hall.
  • We have been going to All Seasons Leisure centre for our class…
4 Oct

Week 5 in 8P!

We started the week looking at everyone’s photos from the weekend, it’s exciting seeing what everyone has been doing and talking about who we have seen and what we have done. We had another community visit, buying all of the things we need for cooking on Thursday. 

Swimming on Tuesday was…

4 Oct

Busy week in 7A

Our ‘new’ food this week was passion fruit. Everyone that tried it liked it, with some saying it was sweet and a few saying it was sour. On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards. We drew our own wizards, discussed names and different spells they could…

4 Oct

Beech class explore the colour red

Beech Class have had a lovely week 5 exploring the colour red! Learning about the little red hen laying her eggs.

Throughout our continuous provision we’ve had fun exploring sensory trays filled with sand, glitter and straw!! In our outdoor tray we had dinosaurs surrounded by red lava sand!…

4 Oct

9A Bright Sparks!

There has been lots of activities and fun going on in 9A recently.  In Science everyone built a circuit using a battery, wires and a bulb. Everyone gave it a go worked and so hard and did a great job of lighting up the bulb. 
In Maths we played turn taking games with a partner, where we had to…