14 Jun

Rainbow week in Oak

Oak class celebrated rainbow day. We decorated a flag for our rainbow day parade. We coloured in rainbows and did lots of rainbow themed activities!


14 Jun

11R Summer 2 Week 3!

Summer 2 in 11R has been another busy week! We started off the week with Miss Anderton and on Monday we had a maths lesson on time in the morning and the afternoon we had a lesson on energy. We made our own paper plane launchers to test out wind power and once we made them we took them out onto…

14 Jun

Doctors, Dentists and Paramedics in Beech

Beech class have had a lovely week learning about more “people who help us”. 

We had lots of fun exploring “doctors”. We dressed up as doctors, explored stethoscopes and doctors’ tools, and sang “polly had a dolly”.

To explore “dentists”, we practiced brushing big teeth, read a book…

11 Jun

Willow class 10 June 2024 and Rainbow Day

Willow class have had another fantastic week! On Tuesday, we learnt about the creation story in R.E. and all about the word ‘creation.’ We put our creativity to the test and used our imagination to ‘create’ whatever we wanted to with a range of craft materials. We were really proud of our…

10 Jun

10A visit Nuffield Gym

First week at Nuffield Health Club for the latest group of pupils to take advantage of the PT sessions from Ashley. The pupils were introduced to the routine they will be following over the next six weeks which includes:

. Treadmill  . Rowing Machine  . Ski pull  . Hand weights  . Bunny…

10 Jun

10A visit The Anderton Centre

On Friday we visited The Anderton Centre, we were introduced to our group leader Robin. To familiarise ourselves with the centre we began the day with some team games, we had great fun and used some great listening to our team mates who were giving us the instructions and giving each other some…

7 Jun

Willow class 3rd June



The children have coped really well this week when we have had a quite a few staff absences so there have been lots of different faces in class. The children have been very welcoming to the staff we have had in class - Well done Willow class. 


At the start of the week we…

7 Jun

8P Summer 2 Week 2 2023-2024

This week in 8P, we've done lots of fun learning as part of our new Summer 2 timetable! 


Monday: We did PE in the morning, and everyone joined in really well! We did Weekend News/positive play and watered our plants in the polytunnel in the afternoon. 

Tuesday: We did PSHE in the…

7 Jun

Rowan class visit the pet shop !

This week Rowan class have been very lucky to visit the pet shop.  Some children travelled via the mini bus and some children used their road safety knowledge and put it to work on the walk there. 
The children enjoyed looking at all of the different animals and talked about the animals different…

7 Jun

Summer 2 Week 1 in 11R - Our Last Half-Term

On Monday we were right back into lessons, starting off the day with a functional maths lesson on money. We used coins and notes and practiced identifying coins and how much each coin was worth. We looked at how many pennies were in a pound and how to add money up.

In the afternoon we had our…

7 Jun

Potion designing in 8A

On Wednesday, 8A did an exciting science lesson with Miss Robertson. Their target was to design their very own potion. 

Firstly 8A watched a clip from Harry Potter where the pupils from Hogwarts were making their own potions. 

8A then looked at different shaped potion bottles on their IPads…

7 Jun

11G- beginning of last half term at Astley Park

Welcome back to our final ever half term as 11G at Astley Park! It has been another fun filled week and as you will have heard, we have lots of fun things coming up over the next 6 weeks before it is time to bid farewell to everyone. 


On Monday morning, Mrs Cobham wasn’t in school as she…