4 Oct

Week 5 Celebrating Black History Month in 7P

Week 5 7P celebrating Black History Month


On Tuesday, Mr Mick Maher, 7P class governor joined us in the afternoon to look at how we were celebrating Black History Month. 

Firstly we watched a PowerPoint called “ We are all different “. This was to help the learners understand that we…

4 Oct

A wonderful week exploring in Maple .

What a busy week exploring we have had in Maple class.

The children have enjoyed cooking in food tech and making fantastic face biscuits in attention autism .

We have been focusing on counting to five during maths and singing , and had some lovely walks to Astley and Devonshire park.


2 Oct

10A Week 5 - W/B 30.09.24

Maths this week has seen us continue with addition and subtraction, with some learners working on adding 3 1-digit numbers together, adding tens across 100s and even adding and subtracting fractions! 

In English we have been working on our reading skills, spending lots of time reading our books…

1 Oct

MacMillan Coffee Morning

On Friday we held our annual MacMillan Coffee Morning and what a turn out we had! 

Many many thanks to our wonderful year 11 class for organising and the amazing team work for years 10A and 11A for working together on the day to help serve, clean and tidy.

It was also lovely to see Teddy get…

30 Sep

The Colour Monster visits Oak Class!

Wow! What an amazing week in Oak class! We have not stopped learning, from counting and matching numbers at the beginning of the week to exploring ‘The Colour Monster’ as our social story. We looked at feelings and created our own Colour Monster by choosing the coloured feathers…

27 Sep

Week 4 in 8P!

This week we started off in our usual way of discussing our weekend news, finding out what everyone has gotten up to over the last week. We did some super reading where the children tried incredibly hard and showed the staff how much their reading skills are improving. Some of us went onto a…

27 Sep

10P Week 4!

On Monday, we started business as usual with our weekend news, where we all got to hear about what each other had done at the weekend and ask each other questions. In the afternoon we went on our weekly trip to ASDA, buying our ingredients for food tech and working out which items would be the…

27 Sep

Week 4 Cooking and Visiting the Library

Week 4 Cooking and Visiting the Library 


This week 7P started their “Food Technology” and “Community Access” sessions.

This year we have decided to split the class for these activities so we can give the learners a more personalised experience. 


One group visited the local…

27 Sep

7A enjoy week 4!

Our ‘new’ food this week was avocado, we had three who loved it but the majority of 7A didn’t like it!! On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards with Miss Troughton. They played a game, which involved stealing a potion from the Grand High witch without being…

27 Sep

A busy week in Maple class.

What a busy week this week has been in Maple class.

we have had some lovely walks to see the ducks and the gardens at Astley park while the weather was nice which everyone really enjoyed .

The children have also engaged in some wonderful attention autism sessions and water/sand play .


27 Sep

10A Week 4 - W/B 23.09.24

This week we finally finished our letters to Joe Wicks, telling him all about our Healthy Living topic and asking him questions about his favourite food and exercise. We posted them off and have already had a reply from one of his team to say he has received our letters and will reply as soon as…

27 Sep

All things green in Beech

Week four of beech class has been all about the colour green! 

During our continuous provision we have enjoyed exploring the jungle, used magnifying glasses to find some creepy crawlies, explored plants and herbs and made the green dinosaurs roar! 

In attention autism, we had so much fun…