6 Jun

Firefighters and police in Beech class

This half term, Beech class are exploring “people who help us”. 

We started the week by exploring firefighters. We sang “5 little firemen”, explored fire engines, and put out pretend fires with spray bottles. 

We also explored the police. We dressed up as policemen, completed jigsaw…

6 Jun

9P Gardening


9P had fun gardening in the poly tunnel. We were continuing to tidy up ready to start planting. We took advantage of the lovely sunshine!

4 Jun

Week 1 9A Summer 2

Welcome back 9A, how fast has this year gone? We are in our final term of Year 9! We’ve had a very busy year, and have lots planned for a busy last term. 
This week in maths we are looking at division, the learners used whiteboards and multilink to find ways of splitting numbers equally. 
In My…

30 May

Holiday Heroes - Thursday 30th May 2024

Welcome to our blog about Holiday Heroes on Thursday 30th May. 

We were hoping for some lovely weather so that our upper primary group and secondary pupils could visit Astley Park, but it looked miserable in the morning. Everyone, including the staff, enjoyed bouncing on the inflatable in the…

28 May

Holiday Heroes - Tuesday 28th May 2024

Welcome to our first day of Holiday Heroes in May half-term, everyone’s had a very busy day taking part in lots of fun activities.

The first set of visitors this morning were 3 lovely lambs from Alldays Farm, together with their rabbit, guinea pigs, chickens, tortoise and snake! iEach group…

25 May

8P Rascals - End of Summer 1 treat!

8P had a fantastic day today at Rascals for our end of half term treat! 
We had our own party room and had lunch there too. 
Thank you to the Rascals staff who looked after us so well! 

Have a great half term break everyone! 

24 May

Science, Swimming and Selfies, Oh My!

11R have had a busy last week leading up to our half-term break!

On Monday we had our usual maths lesson and in the afternoon we had a science lesson. We were learning abouts forces with Miss Anderton and today we were talking about wind power. We built our own windmills and coloured them in,…

24 May

9A summer 1 - Week 6

9A have had a fantastic end to the half term. We started the week off with a descriptive game where we each drew a head on a piece of paper and then folded the paper. We passed it to someone else and they drew a body. We folded it again and passed it over to someone else for them to draw the…

24 May

7A - Summer 1 - Week 5 & 6

We’ve had another busy couple of weeks in 7A. We have been working on our Aspirational Learning Intentions and our Curriculum Learning Goals. 

In Wizard Workshop, we finished our wands following our initial design plans and using a range of tools and materials.

In PE we have been developing…

24 May

Hunger Day and William Syndrome in 8A

This Tuesday Astley Park School looked at “World Hunger Day”. 

Some learners in school brought in non perishable food items to donate. Thank you. These items will be donated to the locate food bank that families use when they are in difficult times.  

8A was asked to write down on a white…

23 May

Beech class explore the zoo

As the finale to our “houses and homes” topic, this week we have explored zoo animals and their natural habitats.

First, we explored the artic. Mrs Barrand made magic snow and built an igloo for the polar bears.

Then, we explored the jungle. We explored had lots of fun exploring jungle…

23 May

10A have lunch at Papa Luigis

As part of our ongoing learning about independence and independent living we have been working on our social eating skills, practicing skills such as setting the table, serving each others lunches, eating together as a group and socialising with our friends.

To extend this we had a visit to…