26 Sep

Our first weeks in Chestnut 2024/2025

Chestnut class has had a lovely start to the school year! 

We’ve had lots of fun getting to know one another as well as exploring lots of toys and activities in the classroom and around school.

In Attention Autism, we’ve counted how many fingers in our handprint paintings, and made…

26 Sep

Bikeability Awards Evening


Chorley School Sports Partnership

Annual Awards ceremony 2024

Three pupils from 11A and myself represented APS at the Annual Awards ceremony hosted by Chorley School Sports Partnership held at Chorley Town Hall. 

APS had been invited to the event having received a nomination for…

25 Sep

Y11 Enterprise- Staff Tuck Shop

Our first staff tuck shop was a resounding success!

As part of our enterprise we have been learning about starting and running a small business! We’ve talked about all of the different roles involved- purchasing, advertising, finances etc.

Our tuck shop is open every Wednesday afternoon…

25 Sep

10P Week 3!

10P had another busy week this week! We started off the week by doing our weekend news where we all wrote some sentences about what we did and then we discussed it as a class and asked our friends questions about what they had done. In the afternoon we had our trip to ASDA, splitting up into two…

21 Sep

A fun-filled week in Oak Class!

The sun has been shining this week and with the glorious weather we've had a brilliant week in Oak class!

Everyone has joined in singing and dancing along to the wiggle dance, we have also sung along to counting, cooking, and autumnal rhymes and songs too.

On Tuesday, some members of Oak…

20 Sep

Week 3 in 8P!

It’s been a busy and fun week in 8P this week! We’ve enjoyed listening to everyone’s weekend news, potion making and going on a community visit. 

The children had a super busy day on Tuesday with doing swimming in the morning and P.E in the afternoon. 

On Wednesday we were super lucky to…

20 Sep

7A Week 3

Another fantastic week in 7A!

This week we have tried grapefruit as our new food in class. We were really impressed that so many learners decided to try this new fruit, especially because some people have never tried it before. There were mixed reviews, ranging from 0/10 up to…

20 Sep

New Beginnings with Sycamore

What an amazing start to term we’ve had in Sycamore class! 
We have all enjoyed getting to know each other and taking part in lots of different activities learning about ourselves and our new friends. Some of the class have even enjoyed swimming. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday…

20 Sep

New Beginnings with Sycamore

What an amazing start to term we’ve had in Sycamore class! 
We have all enjoyed getting to know each other and taking part in lots of different activities learning about ourselves and our new friends. Some of the class have even enjoyed swimming. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday…

20 Sep

Swimming with Rowan Class

We had a brilliant time on our first swimming trip this week. 

We did some super travel training, walking to the bus and to the pool. Lots of amazing independent dressing and we were all fantastic in the pool.

We cannot wait to go back again next week!

Have a lovely weekend all!


20 Sep

Teddy gets a letter from The King

Whilst writing his invitations for the MacMillan Coffee Morning Teddy asked if he could send one to The King, Mrs Banks thought this was a great idea and so Teddy began to design an invitation specifically for The King. Teddy even wrote his own envelope addressed to The King, Buckingham…

20 Sep

Week 3 in 7P Celebrating

Week 3 in 7P Celebrating!


Wednesday of this week, 7P and the rest of Astley Park School participated in celebrating Ofsted giving us, again, an outstanding result by inflatables coming into school. 

Luckily for the school, the weather was on our side, glorious sunshine!

7P took their…