22 Jan

1 Wedding and 1 Baptism in 8R

In class last week we have been looking at Christianity. Miss Heaton has been teaching us all about what happens at a baptism and awedding in a church. We were able to role play a wedding out wearing Mrs Devlin's very old wedding dress and veil. We completed some worksheets to show how much we had…

22 Jan

11R Recycle 4 School

The box has arrived! 

11R have made a great start to sorting out your generous donations so far! 

Thank you very much if you have sent items in. Please keep the donations coming!




22 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 1- Tomato Spirals (Group 2)

It was Group 2's turn to cook this week. 

First, Mrs England read the recipe to the group and then it was time to collect the equipment. Pupils were encouraged to use the labels on the cupboards in the Food Tech room to find the equipment that they needed. Everyone worked together and managed…

21 Jan

SEND team Sensory diets

This week our sensory diet group have been using some exciting new equipment. We have some trampets to bounce on, climbing equipment to use to match pictures. The ropes to pull and hold yourself up with, basket ball to try to shoot a hoop and some new sensory walkways to climb and jump from. After…

21 Jan

9Gs Crazy Cooking

9G were very busy yesterday trying out another healthy recipe. We made creamy linguine with ham. To do this we first had to break up the linguine then give it to Miss Holden to cook it. We then got busy cutting up the ham, breaking up two eggs, adding lemon juice, creme fraiche and grated cheese.…

20 Jan

Oak - Supertato Heads

In our World About Me lessons, Oak class have been exploring different plants and materials from our environment.

To continue our learning about Supertato and the Evil Pea and to help us learn the importance of plants getting water to help them grow, we have made our very own Supertato grass…

20 Jan

Sam Turns 13!

On Friday in class we celebrated Sam's 13th birthday. We sang to him and gave him a card before we all enjoyed some of the caterpillar cake. He took the leftover cake home to share with his mum. He has invited us to a party at Energi Trampoline centre in Preston on Saturday.


20 Jan

9Gs trip to McDonald’s

9G enjoyed a trip to McDonalds yesterday. We walked safely and talked about crossing safely and not talking to strangers. When we arrived We had a choice of chips or McFlurry and a drink. Everyone ordered their own choice, paid for it and collected their order showing some amazing independence and…

20 Jan

9Gs Islam Week

9G were all very busy last week learning all about the religion ‘Islam’. We learnt all about the Islam Creation Story, got to look at pictures of different areas of a mosque, made prayer mats, made mosaics, practised yoga and made chicken curry. We also got to take turns using a prayer mat to pray…

17 Jan

8G and 7G get healthy!

As part of our Doctor, Doctor! topic, the G classes are learning more about how to keep healthy and the importance of this.

8G and 7G decided to team up for a change and to do a PE lesson together.

We started off with our daily mile where we walked around the bike track. It was lovely to see…

17 Jan

8G- World Religion Week- Christianity

On Thursday morning, 8G continued their work on Christianity for World Religion Week.

We read a sensory story all about Jesus walking on water.

Jesus had gone up to the mountains to pray alone, while his friends (the disciples) went on a boat and sailed out to sea.

It started to rain-…

17 Jan

7R learn about Sikhism for World Religion Week 2020!

This week, 7R have been learning about Sikhism. We started by learning about the 5Ks. We watched videos and interacted with props before making our own Kangha or designing a Kirpan. We talked about what the 5Ks represented for Sikhs. We then learnt all about the Gudwara. We learnt about the…