31 Jan

I like you a choc-o-lot! Valentines Disco Preparations

Thank you to all those who donated chocolate for today’s non-uniform.  Learners in 11G have been working hard all morning to organise the donations into tombola prizes.  To be in with a chance to win some of these chocolate goodies all you have to do is attend our school Valentines disco on…

31 Jan

Beech - Exploring Vegetables and Making Bird Feeders 2020

This week in Beech class we have been exploring the story of the Enormous Turnip and exploring vegetables, we have also been very busy making bird feeders which was lots fun!


29 Jan

7G love some cake ... and ice cream ...

Last Friday 7G went to a new cafe after going to subway for two weeks. We were able to practice what we had learnt in a new environment. 

All the children were very polite, did some great sitting and were amazing and choosing and asking for their food and drink! 

This week we also went…

29 Jan

7G World Religion Week

7G had a great week learning about Sikhism. 

We made our own Sikh flags for a Gurdwara using yellow and blue. Before this Miss Hendy did an attention autism using blue and yellow items and showed us how to make the flag. 

We then made chapattis to eat in the food tech room. Everyone…

28 Jan

11R Valentine's Day Pillow Enterprise

11R have been learning how to sew this term. We have hand sewn and now managed to master a sewing machine (supported). Pupils have made the cushions seen in the images, these are filled with lavender and love heart sweets. We are now planning on selling them for £1.50 from 3rd February - 14th…

28 Jan

9Gs creative cooking

9G got very busy today in cooking. We made lots of mini pizza quiches. We cut the wraps into circles, chopped peppers, tomatoes and salami and cracked the eggs to mix together our base. We took turns with our partners to do this and helped each other throughout the whole process. We then put the…

28 Jan

Headteacher's Welcome Back Blog

Happy New Year to you all 

Hi Everyone 

Welcome Back  

I hope you all enjoyed the festive break and that the new year is going well for you all so far. 

The children have all settled back into school and have all enjoyed seeing their friends and sharing their stories from the…

28 Jan

8G get creative with pasta.

8G are still on the topic of 'Doctor, Doctor' so yesterday in 'My Creativity' we made pasta bodies.

Miss Heaton showed us first how we were going to make our pictures and we all did super looking and listening.

We drew a head and a stick body with pencil and then used PVA glue and a glue…

28 Jan

8G make happy or sad biscuit faces

Last week in 'My Creativity' we looked at how we could make happy and sad faces on biscuits. 

We had digestives, strawberry laces, chocolate drops, marshmallows teeth and lips sweets and buttercream. We could make our faces using whatever we wanted so we had lots of fun.

We all used the…

27 Jan

KS4 work with Lancashire Community Police on Online Safety

KS4 classes worked with our local PCSO today discussing how we can stay safe online. We watched videos and compared what we do in person to what we do online. 

The aim of this workshop is to help pupils learn what to question when accessing the internet. To better prepare themselves when…

27 Jan

7R Celebrate Chinese New Year!

Today 7R have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We spent the morning reading a story that taught us about the animals that the years are named after. We used masks to act out the story once we had listened to it and practiced playing parts by thinking of something the different animals…

27 Jan

9G’s remarkable reader

Well done 9G! Today we all worked really hard to try and read lots of different books and look at all of the pictures all by ourselves whilst sat in the comfy seats at the library. We were all very well behaved and Miss Robertson and Miss Holden read lots of stories to everyone. Then at the end…