6 Jul

Six Star Challenge - How to squat

Mr Murphy has made a video to help show you how to squat for a star on our challenge this week. 
Six Star Challenge Team


6 Jul

Beech class zoo week


Beech class have done some fantastic learning this week. We have been reading "The tiger who came to tea" and "Dear zoo" stories that have made for some fantastic role play later. We have explored natural objects and used them to create a tiger picture. We have had some zebra and tiger…

6 Jul

7R are working hard!

Hi everyone, 

It’s great that you are all continuing to work hard at home. Last week we finished reading Mary Anning and the Time Twister on Purple Mash. I hope you all enjoyed the story. The work you have done answering questions on each chapter is fantastic. It would be great if you could…

6 Jul

Six Star challenge week 5 photo's


What a fantastic week. We have loved watching lots of videos of you singing and signing. Also lots of creativity in your pebbles and natural pictures. I'm sure your parents and carers appreciated you helping them with the washing up. There has been lots of amazing counting of cyclists and…

6 Jul

Six star challenge week 6


A huge well done to everyone achieving certificates so far. Keep it up! Remember 6 stars for gold, 5 stars for silver and have a try at any for a bronze award.

We love seeing all your photo's and videos so keep sending them to your teachers.

Here is this weeks challenge. Good Luck…

5 Jul

7G Learning at Home week 14

Hello Everyone!

There are only a few weeks left of this academic year! It has flown by!

What have 7G been doing this week?


Harry has continued to work hard at home with some of his learning activities; he has been sequencing the story of the gingerbread man, practicing telling…

3 Jul

10G Learning from home 3/7/20

Hi everyone, Hope you are all keeping well and safe. 

Most of you will know by now that myself and Mrs Powell will be with you again in 11G from September. . 

We will be joined by the lovely Mrs Matthew who is going to be our TA2 in class. Mrs Matthew is also a friend of mine and she has…

3 Jul

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 10)

What a wonderful video call again this afternoon. I hope you enjoyed the Playdoh Gym and our extra special guest- Mr Welsh! I loved hearing all of you singing along to Let it Go too and Mr Welsh has emailed me to tell me how much he enjoyed seeing you all. A massive well done to Harrison too for…

3 Jul

11R Begin their transition to college

This week has been one of mixed feelings. A mixture of nerves and excitement for our next steps.


pupils were invited back into school in their college cohorts to focus on what college will be like. We looked at our college websites, completed challenges set by college, joined in teams…

3 Jul

Happy Birthday Ruby!

Today is Ruby's birthday!

We hope you have a great day and enjoy celebrating with your family and have lots of birthday fun over the weekend.

Miss Cross, Miss Woods, Mrs Banks and Mrs Simpson send lots of happy birthday wishes to you, and I am sure your friends do too.

Happy Birthday…

3 Jul

8R Learning Together 3/07/20

Well what a very busy week we have had again. We had a great Teams Video call where we had another quiz. We had lots of laughs with the photo round. We had to try and identify some of our teachers just from part of a photograph. It was nice to see each other on the video and find out what we have…

29 Jun

7R enjoy sports week 2020

7R enjoyed sports week last week. We accessed online learning activities related to sport, took part in a Joe Wicks workout challenge as a class on our video call, and some of us got involved with the six star challenge. In school, Thomas and Kristen walked a mile, enjoyed Just Dance and took part…