Dodd Group got very wet on our second day at Calvert!
We needed our waterproofs and wellies on day 2 at Calvert! In the morning we went to Goldscope Mine. This involved a walk and a trip inside a dark mine. We used torches to guide us through the mine and we looked for metal in the roof. We talked about what it might be like to work in a mine and…

Dodd Group brave day 1 at Calvert with Mrs Crouch, Miss Mahood and Mr Murphy!
We spent our first full day at Calvert doing some very challenging activities!
After breakfast, we went horse riding at the stables. Some of us were nervous but everybody had a go (even Mrs Crouch!). The horses were lovely and the staff looked after us really well. We played games and learnt…

7Rs first evening at Calvert!
It was Kristen’s birthday on the day we travelled down to Calvert. We celebrated with birthday cake and time in the pool after tea!

A big thank you to our super swimmers!
On Saturday, a group of our super swimmers took part in the charity Swimarathon at All Seasons Leisure Centre to raise money for our school charity, FAPS. Our school charity will receive a portion of money raised via sponsorships, with the rest being divided between other local charities. The…
10G - Being Roman Citizens - Feb 2020
We missed History Day while we were at Calvert Trust, so we decided to hold our own History Day in class today. The topic was the Ancient Romans. Students started off looking at where Rome is on the world map. We then looked at different styles of dress for different Ancient Roman people e.g…

7R learn about the rotten Romans!
Today 7R celebrated “History day” as we missed it last week due to our Calvert residential trip. We have had a fantastic day!
This morning, Mrs Crouch split us into research teams. Each team was given research questions to find out the answer to. The teams had to delegate roles to decide a…
8R Safer Internet Day 2020
Today 8R looked at internet safety. Our class digital leader lead a session about creating our own avatar. This was to show how easy it was to pretend to be someone else on the internet. I wonder who can guess who's avatar belongs to who in our class? We looked at how we can keep ourselves safe on…
8G learn how to stay safe online
Yesterday was 'Safer Internet Day'. Mrs England read us a story about Smartie the penguin and how he made the right choices to stay safe whilst on his tablet.
We all talked about who can help us stay safe when we are online, at home and at school.
After the story we all made our own Smartie…
Thomas leads 7R's Safer Internet Day Lesson! #SaferInternetDay #freetobe
Yesterday we watched a video about Safer Internet Day (https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2020/i-am-educator/film-what-does-my-avatar-say-about-me). It told us to use avatars online to keep us safe. We should use avatars instead of our photos online. I helped…

Present in the post for 10R!!!
10R had a brilliant surprise in the post recently!!!
Last term during our English sessions we all wrote letters to David Walliams to practice a range of skills. These included writing and forming sentences including conjunctions, formatting a letter, spelling and perfecting our handwriting…

11R Safer Internet Day
Today we have celebrated all things internet.
Our class Digital Leader stood spot light and delivered his lesson to his peers. Our digital leader has made massive progress with his social communications through this project and taught and supported his peers in making good choices when…

Digital Leaders Take The Lead
Today our Digital Leaders became teachers. They delivered an online safety lesson to their class peers.
The message was to disguise their identity when online by creating an avatar. They discussed what sort of information is safe to display on social media profiles and offered suggestions…