Headteacher's Welcome Back Blog
Happy New Year to you all
Hi Everyone
Welcome Back
I hope you all enjoyed the festive break and that the new year is going well for you all so far.
The children have all settled back into school and have all enjoyed seeing their friends and sharing their stories from the…
8G get creative with pasta.
8G are still on the topic of 'Doctor, Doctor' so yesterday in 'My Creativity' we made pasta bodies.
Miss Heaton showed us first how we were going to make our pictures and we all did super looking and listening.
We drew a head and a stick body with pencil and then used PVA glue and a glue…
8G make happy or sad biscuit faces
Last week in 'My Creativity' we looked at how we could make happy and sad faces on biscuits.
We had digestives, strawberry laces, chocolate drops, marshmallows teeth and lips sweets and buttercream. We could make our faces using whatever we wanted so we had lots of fun.
We all used the…

KS4 work with Lancashire Community Police on Online Safety
KS4 classes worked with our local PCSO today discussing how we can stay safe online. We watched videos and compared what we do in person to what we do online.
The aim of this workshop is to help pupils learn what to question when accessing the internet. To better prepare themselves when…
7R Celebrate Chinese New Year!
Today 7R have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We spent the morning reading a story that taught us about the animals that the years are named after. We used masks to act out the story once we had listened to it and practiced playing parts by thinking of something the different animals…

9G’s remarkable reader
Well done 9G! Today we all worked really hard to try and read lots of different books and look at all of the pictures all by ourselves whilst sat in the comfy seats at the library. We were all very well behaved and Miss Robertson and Miss Holden read lots of stories to everyone. Then at the end…

Growing our own plants in Willow class
This term Willow class is learning all about plants in our science lessons.
In week three we looked at what plants need in order to grow best and to stay healthy. We discussed how plants need the right conditions, water and nutrients just like us. To test how plants grow, we have planted three…

Maple SuperTato Week 3
This week we have continued to explore our topic, healthy heroes! In our communication lessons we have read the story SuperTato and the Carnival Catastro-pea in which the Evil Pea sucks the colour out of all the other vegetables!
- We continue to work on our fine motor skills, using vegetables…

8G End of Week 3 (Spring term)
What a busy end of the week we have had in 8G, I feel like I blinked and it was Friday afternoon!
On Wednesday morning, we all took part in My Thinking and Problem Solving lesson. Our starter was Maths themed. We had to look carefully at the pictures on the board and tap on the one that was…

8G Food Technology Week 3- Fruity Flapjacks (Group 1)
Before we started, we needed to wash our hands and put our aprons on as we know it is important to make sure our hands are clean and that our uniform stays clean too.
Mrs England and Miss Aindow gave out the recipes and read them to us.
Next, we took it in turns to find the equipment that we…
7R learn about food chains
This week in our "Understanding of the World" lessons, we have been learning about where animals get their food from. We learnt that animals need food to grow and to have energy. We have learnt that some animals are carnivores (only eat meat), some are herbivores (only eat plants) and some are…
Beech - Chinese New Year 2020
This week Beech have been exploring Chinese New Year (the year of the rat) we have played, made and explored a range of different things which have helped us learn about the celebration which has been lots of fun. We made dragons, explored noodles in the role play kitchen and had a little…