6 Feb

11R Litter Picking in Astley Park

Today for Chorley in Bloom, we headed down to Astley Park and picked up litter. To our surprise there wasn’t that much to be collected. 

The sun was out and it was gorgeous to be outside. We admired the snowdrops school pupils from Astley Park planted several years…

5 Feb

Oak - Bikeability


Today Chorley Schools Sports Partnership came to work with Oak class.

We warmed up our bodies playing a game and then we got busy with the bikes. We did some walking with our bikes and then we got to ride them! We learnt that we must wear helmets on our bikes to keep us…

5 Feb

8R Have Fun in the Park

Today, as part of Children's Mental Health we, we decided to go to the park and release some endorphins. We had lots of fun and all came away happy, laughing and feeling so much better. Some of us weren't too keen on the walk there but once there everybody has lots of fun. Even Mrs Devlin braved…

4 Feb

Willow heads to the park

Today Willow Class navigated their way to Devonshire Recreational Ground Park practicing using directional language and spotting any features of towns which we had learnt about in our Understanding of the World lessons. Willow Class staff were very impressed with the children’s road safety skills…

4 Feb

Oak Celebrate Chinese New Year 2020

Last week Oak Class enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.

We learnt that there are different animals to celebrate the different years and this year, is the year of the Rat. We found out that dragons are used in the parades and do lots of dancing. Miss Woods even told us what animal we…

4 Feb

11R Urge public not to feed the pigeons

11R were tasked in making the public aware that feeding the pigeons at our Chorley in Bloom site, opposite McDonalds is causing more harm than good.


The site was started as a community edible garden and due to people feeding the bird the crop was being damaged and contaminated so that it…

3 Feb

9G’s PE at the Park

9G have had a lovely afternoon out. We enjoyed using our PE skills to balance on the different equipment at the park. We also did some fantastic turn taking and working together to help each other on the climbing frame and on the swings. We had a fantastic time and played so well together. Well…

3 Feb

8R Digital Artwork

Today in class we discussed World Mental Health week. We talked about the things we do to keep ourselves calm and happy. We all had lots of different things that we did to help us. We then used the i pads to draw some artwork to show this. See the link attached to see our fantastic pieces of…

3 Feb

Lewis turns 13!!

Today Lewis turned 13. He brought in a Nuzzle and Scratch cake to share with his friends. The all sang happy birthday to him and enjoyed watching the sparkling candles. Then they all enjoyed a piece of the delicious cake. Happy birthday Lewis.



3 Feb

Headteacher's Blog - Adactus Housing

Dear Parents & Carers

I am writing to ask for your help, we are currently putting in a bid for funding to Adactus Housing.

The aim of the bid is to put in an accessible pathway which will connect all of our wonderful outdoor learning areas, e.g. Forest School Areas, Polytunnel and cycle…

31 Jan

8G End of Week 4 (Spring Term)

Here we are again, the end of another week!

On Wednesday afternoon it was time for My Community lesson. We split into our 2 groups as usual, this week Group 1 stayed in class with Mrs Fisher to work on their self-help and independence skills, while Group 2 went with Mrs England and Miss Aindow…

31 Jan

8G Food Technology Week 4- Fruity Flapjacks (Group 2)

Week 4 means it was Group 2's turn to cook again.

On the menu were Fruity Flapjacks, just like Group 1 cooked last week.

Miss Aindow shared the recipe with everyone, then we took it in turns to collect the right equipment that we needed. We are all getting much better at looking carefully…