14 Jul

8A Amazing Sharing Our Learning.

What a fantastic afternoon we had for our last Sharing Our Learning in 8 A. Parents and Carers joined us for a game of cricket. Everyone had a fun time with parents and carers even more competitive than the learners. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the year in 8A. Miss Bentham and…

14 Jul

9A Farm trip

On Wednesday this week, we went on our end of term trip to the farm! 
We had an absolutely fantastic time.

We did lots of activities including: 

- pets corner (holding small animals and petting larger animals) 

- calves feeding 

- visiting the other animals and feeding them 


14 Jul

Down at the Farm with Rowan Class

We had a lovely end of term trip to the farm this week.

We fed lots of animals including: sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas, cows and horses. We enjoyed a lovely tractor ride to see the donkeys and horses, and had lots of fun on the play park.

We ate lunch in the barn and then watched the cows…

13 Jul

7A’s powerful poems


7A have been working really hard this half term learning all about acrostic poems. This week we all used our super English skills to think of lots of different words and sentences to use when writing an acrostic poem all about Mr Welsh. We took our time and worked hard to think of lots of…

13 Jul

Secondary Awards Assembly Friday 7th July 2023

On Friday 7th July 2023 we celebrated our Secondary Award Winners!

Parents and carers came to watch our assembly where children received their awards. Afterwards everyone was invited to stay for a refreshment and cake. 

Congratulations to all our award…

12 Jul

Isla’s Birthday in Willow Class

Isla had lots of fun celebrating her birthday in Willow class last Wednesday, we played party games, danced and enjoyed some cake too! We hope you had a lovely birthday Isla.



12 Jul

10R - Wagons role on the Oregan trail - Pioneer Day 2023.

Today we explored the Mormon celebration of Pioneer Day that is celebrated in Utah, America.  We learnt about Brigham Young, who in 1846, led like-minded people from New York, 2700 miles to Salt Lake City. They travelled pulling small wooden carts with their own belongings together with horses,…

11 Jul

11G Get Chilly

11G had a wonderful time at Chill Factore for their end of year treat. We travelled to the Trafford centre on the Sunshine bus and we went to McDonalds to order our lunch. We then headed over to the Chill Factor to get kitted out in our warm waterproofs and snow boots, then we went into the…

11 Jul

Willow Class - End of Year Trip

Last Wednesday, Willow Class took off their learning hats and headed off site for a day filled with treat activities. 

Willow Class had been given the chance to share their ideas of what they would like to do to celebrate all their hard work and together they chose playing at the park,…

10 Jul

Busy, busy, busy in 8A

8A have had a very busy 2 weeks. We have continued to go on our visits to Lytham St Annes, Hindley Swimming baths and our local Asda. Gemma swam a full length of the pool and achieved her 25m award. Well done Gemma.

Miss Bentham has been teaching us all about capacity in Maths. We really…

10 Jul

Willow class trip to the Mosque

Last Monday, Willlow class went on a trip to the Mosque. We enjoyed looking in the Mosque, listening to a call to prayer and learning about why Muslims go to Mosque. We learned some new words and looked at Arabic letters. We also learned lots of things about Muslim families as we have been…

10 Jul

Screen Time Awareness

11R leave this week and before they do, they would like to share a message to you all:


Over summer it may be easy for us to let our children sit on devices all day long, why not? It keeps them quiet, it allows us to get our jobs done. 

Please be mindful of the dangers which can occur…