2 May

11G Summer Week 3

Hello all, you join us at the end of a short week in school and we will be having another short week next week too!

On Monday morning we were off to the gym for our PE session. This week we worked in pairs against another pair of friends. The challenge was to complete 5 minutes on each piece of…

2 May

9A summer 1- week 3


This week in 9A, We have started to read our new book The Tin Forest, we had a think about the things we might find in a forgotten place full of things people didn’t want any more and We’ve created some lovely art work based on the descriptive words in the story. 

We have had some problems…

2 May

Independence in 10A

A busy few weeks in 10A. We are practicing our independence living skills as we are now preparing for leaving school and moving into the adult world.

As part of this learning we have all been allocated jobs to do in class, these involve activities such as washing pots, cleaning tables before…

2 May

Building and construction in Beech

This week we have been exploring building and construction!

We’ve explored building blocks, made houses out of recycled materials, and explored trucks and diggers. 

Some of us also dressed up as builders and explored tool toys.

Well done everyone!

2 May

Week 3 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued learning about UnderThe Sea through Attention Autism, Sensology, Creative tasks and in the continuous provision. Learners have been practising their independent travel with Mrs Lane transitioning around school and on visits to Astley Park and small groups…

26 Apr

8P Summer 1, Week 2

We’ve had a fantastic week again in 8P!

On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our first Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson.  


On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other half stayed in school and learnt about Eid. In…

26 Apr

11G Summer Week 2

Happy Friday! We have had a very busy week this week in 11G and as of today we have less than 50 days of 11G left!

On Monday morning Mrs Cobham was needed to cover in 9P next door, so Miss Snailham very kindly offered to come into school for an extra day to cover for Mrs Cobham. We all went to…

26 Apr

7A - Summer 1 - Week 2

7A have been busy working on Aspirational Learning Intentions and Curriculum Learning Goals this week.

We have started reading one of our new texts ‘The Tin Forest’ and have been looking closely at the text, making predictions and thinking about feelings of the characters and reader. 


26 Apr

Week 2 of Summer 1 in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class.

We have explored the life cycle of plants and made our very own wildflower seed bombs to take home. 

For My Community we have all visited Astley Park, looking for signs of Spring and done some brilliant travel training around school on a…

26 Apr

Under the sea and Eid in Maple Class

For the summer term our topic is “Under the Sea”. For the last 2 weeks we’ve been doing the story of the little mermaid. 

Our continuous provision has included; 

  • Under the sea tough trays 
  • Exploring sea creatures 
  • Cleaning the whales and mark making in the foam
  • Matching and…
26 Apr

8A at the park

This Monday 8A took advantage of the dry weather and we walked to Devonshire RoadPlayground.

Whilst walking, we all concentrated on road safety and demonstrated good awareness of what we need to do to cross the road safely. 

When at the park, 8A showed fantastic turn taking with the…

26 Apr

9A summer 1 - week 2

We have had another lovely week in 9A this week. 

We have finished reading our fantasy book ‘ Leon and the place in between’, all the learners have enjoyed reading the book and creating their own magical place. They also wrote some fantastic descriptive stories about what they thought Leon…