26 Apr

Summer 1, week 2 in 7P

Our outdoor area has been tidied up and made to feel like summer this week, hopefully it will bring the sun! This week we also enjoyed our first community visit of the new term! The children walked really well and showed off our school values whilst on the visit. 

We have enjoyed completing…

26 Apr

Awesome Oak Class

This week, we went to the park, we enjoyed going on the slide and the swings, it was very fun.

On Wednesday morning some of us went to Asda, we all had our own shopping lists with us and all had one item to get. We went to the till and we all scanned our items and then we put the money in…

26 Apr

The Last Term in 11R!

11R have had a very busy start to their last term at Astley Park!

Last week we carried on with our ASDAN unit on Environmental Awareness, where we have been looking after the beds at the front of school and collecting the recycling from the other classes and throwing in our large bins ready for…

26 Apr

Nuffield Health Centre

In the second week at Nuffield Ashley introduced a new member of the PT team Luke who has starting work at the gym. Ashley put the group through their paces on the training circuit and they all worked extremely hard. The group remembered all the equipment they had used last week and what exercise…

26 Apr

Willow Class learn about Passover

This week Willow class learnt about Passover. First the class listened to a story about Passover. Willow class then did different activities about Passover. These included, comprehension activities, I Spy and making Passover cards. 

Willow class have also been swimming, made sandwiches and…

26 Apr

And I’ll huff!… And I’ll puff!…

This week in Beech class we have continued exploring the story of the three little pigs.

We’ve rolled the pigs down a mud slide, painted hand print pigs, and used straws to huff, puff, and blow! We’ve also built brick houses and explored mud and straw trays.

On Thursday we enjoyed a lovely…

26 Apr

Week 2 in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut class we have continued to learn about under the sea through joint attention and communication sessions such as Attention Autism, Sensology and a story about The Rainbow Fish. During My Creativity we have learned to print repeated patterns using different tools including…

25 Apr

Our amazing experience at Boulder UK

Today was our last session at Boulder UK, what a fantastic opportunity this has been!

We would like to give our biggest thanks to the staff at Boulder in particular Megan and Joshua our instructors, you have taught us so much and have made such a positive impact on our children.


24 Apr

Celebrating Passover in 9P

We had a lovely afternoon celebrating the Jewish festival of Passover- we watched a power point about this important event in the Jewish Faith.
We learned that the Jewish people had a party which lasted 7 or 8 days.

We learned lots of new words- and were all very interested in the Seder…

24 Apr

9A Summer 1 Week 1

What a great first week back for 9A. We all came back well rested with lots of stories about what the learners did over the holidays.

The learners were all put into different houses for the half term and are linked up with learners in  year 7 and 8. They will be earning points for the houses.…

23 Apr

Boxercise with 10A


This half term 10A are accessing Boxercise first thing on a Monday morning!! which is being delivered by Gary from CSSP. With no idea what was involved the class met Gary in the school hall and after a short warmup and stretching activity start the session. 

Gary introduced the pupils…

23 Apr

Nuffield Health Centre. Group 2


First week at Nuffield Health Club for the group, Ashley started the session with a warmup and stretching activity to get them ready. Ashley then introduced them to the training circuit they will be working on over the next six weeks which included, a rowing and ski pull  machines, a…