12 Mar

We're all going on a 7P holiday!

What an amazing time 7P had on our Residential to the Anderton Centre.

On Tuesday when we arrived we went to our rooms, unpacked our cases and then made our beds. We then went off on our first adventure - low ropes and climbing. We worked alongside the adults to keep our balance on the low…

12 Mar

Rowan Class say Ahhhhhh

Our topic Emergency Emergency Emergency continues this half term, and we have had fun learning and exploring the work of dentists.

The learners have enjoyed lots of fun and multisensory learning activities including: a sensory stories, cleaning teeth, exploring the dentist role play area and…

11 Mar

8P Holiday celebrations and fun in the snow

We have had another busy week in class 8P.

The whole school experienced colourful celebrations for the Hindu festival of Holi on Wednesday. We revisited the meaning of the festival in class and we had lots of fun decorating our classroom with colourful handprints and paper chains. In the…

10 Mar

10G Spring Week 9 and Holi Festival

It’s Friday again! Don’t these week’s go by quickly?

On Monday we were swimming again at Hindley pool. Some of us were swimming in the shallow end and having a go at lifting up our feet to kick, rather than walking through the water. Some of us managed to swim nearly a full length without…

10 Mar

7A Residential 10/3/23

The staff and pupils had a fantastic time on the Anderton Centre residential and lots of wonderful memories were made.

On our arrival on the Tuesday we unpacked our cases , made our beds, and then we straight away got stuck into exciting activities which started off with the low ropes, the…

10 Mar

11G celebrate Holi

This week we have celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi - also known as The Festival of Colours. Together the class worked in groups to make their own colourful Holi pictures, using various painting methods. Some of the class also took part in a colour run outside, wearing white t-shirts and…

10 Mar

What a fun week in 8A!

What great fun 8A have had this week. We have celebrated Holi as a whole school and had an amazing celebration on Wednesday afternoon. We had bags of different coloured powder paints which we threw into the air. Lots of the staff and pupils were covered in powder paint and looked amazing. Even the…

10 Mar

9A Holi Celebrations

This Wednesday afternoon, 9A looked at what is Holi and why people all over the world celebrate it. 

We learnt that it marks the beginning of spring. And during Holi, people celebrate the story of Prahlad. 

Prahlad’s father was a cruel king that wanted everyone to worship him, but Prahlad…

10 Mar

Sycamore Class Celebrate Holi!

Sycamore Class absolutely loved celebrating Holi on Wednesday!




10 Mar

Week 3 in 10R!

What a busy week 10R have had!

On Monday we continued or topic of forces in science with Miss Anderton, where we made paper helicopters to look at how gravity works and how we can affect gravity by adding weight to something to make it fall faster. 

On Tuesday we carried on looking at bar…

10 Mar

World Book Day in Maple Class

Maple class love stories and books so we were excited for World Book Day! Harrison brought one of his favourite books to class ‘Superworm!’ (I love this one too!) and shared it with myself and his friends. Maple class enjoyed lots of activities linked to The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss in the…

9 Mar

7A’s colourful explosion to celebrate Holi.

Yesterday we celebrated the Holi also known as the Festival of colour.

It is one of the most popular and significant festivals in Hinduism.

7A were extremely excited alllllll day!!

In the morning they made pictures using colourful handprints to go on the classroom door. They enjoyed…