4 Jun

Weekly Update from 11G

Hi all you 11G members, fans and followers,

I hope you all managed to have a relaxing week off over half term.  I am extremely excited about our Teams meeting on Monday.  I cannot wait to see you all and share what we have been up to.  We will also be joined by two special guests – Miss…

27 May


Hi everybody,

Would you like to take part in an exciting competition as part of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month? Take a look at the competition below. If you take part, make sure you send Mrs Crouch a copy of your entry (crouchm@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk) as well as emailing it over to…

22 May

11G's Weekly News Update - Week 9!!

Happy Friday 11G                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This week…

14 May

11G's Weekly News

Good afternoon 11G pupils and followers,

I hope my blog finds you safe and well.  The weather has been a bit strange this week with the sunshine and wind.  One minute I’m in my shorts the next I’m having to get changed as I’m too cold!

Moving on, I would like to start with an update from…

8 May

11G - Special News Announcement

Happy Friday to all you 11G superstars and super fans!

I have some fabulous news to tell you all! (Drum roll!)

Miss Armstrong has had her baby! Jessa Rose Thomas was born on the 2nd of May at 6:33pm, weighing 8lbs 7oz.  Miss Armstrong, Jessa and family are all at home, safe and well.  She…

1 May

MADD Week Flag Art Competition

Wow what an amazing MADD week it has been. There have been some amazing videos posted onto our school Learning from Home YouTube Channel - if you haven't had a look yet please go and see! 


We have had lots of entries fro the…

30 Apr

Have 11G gone MADD in Week 6? Part 2

Part 2  

My Week (Mr Massey)

Well compared to my excellent learners my week seems quite boring. The highlights have been going walking with Elizabeth and Thomas in our secret fairy woods and improving our hide ‘n’ seek skills (Thomas still can’t keep quiet when its his turn to hide

30 Apr

Have 11G gone MADD in Week 6? Part 1

Wow 11G! I have had a bumper response this week and heard from most of you in some way or another.   These been some much work sent it actually won’t fit in one blog!


I set both functional maths skills challenges along with MADD week activities and there’s been a lot of work and…

22 Apr

11G - What have we been upto?

Hi all you 11G followers,

It has been great seeing what you have been up to and I hope all the 11G learners have seen the videos myself and Mrs Cobham have sent you this week on the Evidence for Learning platform.  I have been really pleased to hear how Em McGrarry has been doing! She has been…

16 Apr

11G - What have we been upto?

Hello 11G Fans! Its Mr Massey here.  I bet you have all been wondering what the 11G teachers have been up to? Well I have been doing some training for school which has involved me reading and watching interesting articles and videos.  I have also been in touch with some of your parents and…

3 Apr

11G Learning From Home and Fundraising Update

Hello to all who are in and follow 11G.  Well isn’t it a bit strange not being at school? I hope we can get back to normal as soon as possible. To those who have been doing Joe Wicks, Well done! I’m ready for a rest! I have really enjoyed seeing pictures of you all learning and developing your…

12 Mar

Lunchtime Dance Club

Today was the first "Just Dance" club for years 9-11 at lunchtime.  We warmed up to "Eye of the Tiger" and were very impressed with the pupils boxing moves!  We all had lots of fun dancing to a variety of songs and even found enough energy to sing along.  I think we were all ready for the 2 minute…