12 Jan

World Religion Week 2024

Astley Park School are proud to be celebrating World Religion Week next week (15/01/24-19/01/24).

Each class has been allocated a different religion to learn about though a variety of lessons and experiences across the week. Please see the list below to see what religions individual classes…

17 Nov

11R Go to Bendrigg!

11R have just got back from their Duke of Edinburgh residential at Bendrigg Lodge in the Lake District! We left Wednesday morning and have just arrived back at Friday lunchtime.

On Wednesday everyone was really excited to get going, but we were a little nervous as well. We got all of our…

13 Nov

Remembrance Day 2023


On Friday, Astley Park School participated in Remembrance Day activities and traditions.

Throughout school, learners were presented with many fabulous activities and learning opportunities to support them experience and learn all about Remembrance Day.

Our Explorers, had ample…

8 Nov

The Halloween Disco!

Last night we had our Halloween disco! 11R and 11G have been busy getting ready for the past couple of weeks, choosing jobs and selling tickets. In the afternoon, 11R were busy finishing off some decorations for the hall, where we then joined 11G in decorating to make it nice and spooky for after…

6 Nov

11R Go to the Gym

Today 11R had their first gym session, led by Mr Murphy, as part of learning about about healthy lifestyles. We got the minibus to the gym this morning as it was raining quite hard and we didn't want to start the day off soaking wet. We went into the gym and everyone was a little bit nervous…

31 Oct

Halloween Fun

Last year 11G made a Makaton video showing lots of spooky signs.

Have fun practicing your scary signs and share them with your class team.

Happy Halloween 


19 Oct

Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated in October in the UK and Astley Park School is proud to celebrate Black History Month with a focus on, 'Saluting our Sisters'.  This is intended to build awareness, educate and share lived experiences of Black women.  The theme of ‘Saluting our Sisters’ highlights…

18 Oct

Key Stage 4 Duke of Edinburgh Training Day

Today in Key Stage 4 we have held our training day in preparation of our Bendrigg Trust visit in November. Throughout the day we’ve had a carousel of activities that all classes have taken part in. These have been:

First Aid with Mrs Jones who very kindly talked us through lots of useful…

6 Oct

11R Chorley in Bloom Week 3

11R had their third session at Chorley in Bloom this week! When we got there we met David and Mrs Broughton. We sat down with David and he told us all about different types of flower bulbs! We looked at the different sizes and shapes of lots of different flowers and plants, including rosehips,…

2 Oct

Macmillan Coffee Morning with 11R

On Friday morning we had Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. As part of their Young Enterprise ASDAN unit, 11R were helping to run it, doing various jobs and roles throughout the morning.

We helped serve both the drinks and the cake to our learners and their parents and guardians. We had talked…

29 Sep

Jeans for Genes Day 2023

On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise awareness and funding for  genetic conditions. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories, coloured themed Attention Autism to circle time…

29 Sep

Astley Park have been Smashing Stereotypes!


This week classes at Astley Park have been focussing on smashing stereotypes. Stereotypes restrict the ways in which we see ourselves, others and the world around us. They make us jump to conclusions, which can stop us from getting an accurate picture.  We have been learning…