3 Jun

Do you know where your information is going?

Hello Parents, 

Just thought I would check in with you all! 

It is not uncommon for many of us to jump online to find a bargain! Amazon Prime Day is one example of prices 'dropping' to get you a 'good deal' 

Some quick advice, if you are planning on looking for something on Prime make…

2 Jun

10R ‘Help Out to Eat Out’.

For our last day 10R planned an end of half term treat of a picnic. Pupils were asked to help with the organisation by firstly doing a spot of online shopping. Each group was given a budget and chose the foods they would like. In maths they totalled up the shopping to make sure the had spent…

29 May

11G Almost half term. 28/5/21

What a wonderfully busy and enjoyable week this has been for staff and pupils in 11G. We have really enjoyed ourselves and learnt lots of new things at the same time. 

During our maths lessons we have been learning lots more about multiplication and division and how they can work alongside each…

28 May

Half Term Arrives at Hogwarts in 9R

What a long half term we’ve had and only one half term to go.

A usual week in 9R is a busy one and this week has been no different.

We’ve done lots of different activities including - designing our own marauders map, designing a lorry for Aldi, finishing stories and PE amongst lots of other…

28 May

9G last two weeks of Summer 1!

Wow, Summer 1 has flown by. We can't believe we only have one more half term and then we will having finished in 9G! 

The last two weeks have been busy getting finished off for the holidays. 9G have measured their bean plants, which are growing steadily. Some haven't grown yet so we are going…

28 May

Newman Newbies

We went on the bus to Cardinal Newman College. When we got there we met two teachers and they showed us the classroom. We were given Virtual Reality headsets and went on a virtual tour of the college. We also looked at different animals and virtual scenes from around the planet.

We went to the…

28 May

Rowan reuse plastic

This week in Rowan class we have been learning how we can reuse different materials in our homes.

We have designed and decorated our own plant pots using plastic bottles.

After the half-term we are going to sow some seeds and take them home to watch them grow.

Super work this week Rowan,…

28 May

Communication week in Beech

Wow Beech class, some amazing speech and language work this week!

We have done some super turn taking games with our friends, some super looking at books, and some lovely interactions with the adults and our peers.

We have also done some amazing work with sentences who, doing, what and…

27 May

This is a tale of Sycamore’s tiny snail...

This is a tale of a tiny snail...

We have finished filming our version of ‘The Snail and The Whale’ this week and we cannot wait to show everyone! 

We have loved using the masks and making our voices sound low and high! 


Sycamore has had a great focus on mindfulness this week . We…

27 May

Happy Birthday Luca!!

Monday was a special day in Willow class.. Luca’s birthday! 
Luca was super excited to turn 11 and everyone was happy to throw a party to celebrate! 

First we played musical statues to some of Luca’s favourite Tiktok songs where the children all showed off their super moves. We even had…

24 May

LPPA - We did it!!!

We are delighted to share the news that we have been awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award 
(LPPA) for a further 3 years. This award is a huge achievement and is a credit to both staff and 
parents/carers for continuing to work in partnership to meet the needs of each pupil. During the…

24 May

Sharing a Story in Chestnut Class

May is 'National Share a Story' month, and this year the theme is 'Myths, Magic & Mayhem'.

To celebrate this in Chestnut class, this week we have been looking at the book 'Room on the Broom', by Julia Donaldson.

We have listened to the story and the song, made our own potions, pretended to…