18 May

11R Boot Camp Fun!

11R took a break from training their brains, to train their bodies today, with a super tough Boot Camp!

Firstly we made sure we completed a dynamic warm up, then the real work began. In pairs we completed a session on the battle rope, ladder runs, mini hurdles and a rugby passing drill,…

15 May

10R Celebrate Eid and Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s been a busy week in 10R this week. As well as continuing with our English work on the signs we see in and around the community and our Maths work which is measurement, we have celebrated Eid on Wednesday and taken part in Mental Health Awareness Week on Friday. 
To join in the Eid…

14 May

11G mental health week 14/5/21

11G have been doing some fabulous work this week both in and out of the classroom, learning about and celebrating mental health awareness week and also Ramadan and Eid. 

Using the book creator app on the school iPads we have been creating an ‘all about me’ blog in order to be able to tell…

14 May

7A connect with nature and complete a Tik Tok Challenge!

For Mental Health Awareness week we have worn green and embraced nature. This morning in nurture time we chose between going for a walk, planting a seed, cloud watching via YouTube or nature colouring. We all felt very relaxed at the end of the session. 

At lunch break we went for another walk.…

14 May

Mental health awareness week in 10G!


Well done 10G what a super week you have all had. This week we have been looking at how we can take care of our mind/mental health. We talked about the fact that to keep our bodies healthy we have to also keep our minds healthy. We practised meditation, yoga and had a hot drink and chat about…

14 May

9G Celebrate Eid!

9G have had a very busy 5th week at school this week! 

First of all this week we have continued with our number and money work. Some of 9G are now beginning to remember number bonds to 5, and are giving amounts to money to an adult in 1p or other coin combinations!

We then continued to work…

14 May

9G Share a Worry - Mental Health Awareness Week

9G know it is important to talk about our feelings. This is something we do in morning and afternoon group every day.

This week we have focused on this even more, making sure our bodies are ready for the day and ensuring we talk about our worries and what we can do for our mental…

14 May

Eid Mubarak from Willow Class!

This month Willow class has been learning all about Ramadan and how Muslims practice their faith during this time. We also took part in the Ramadan kindness challenge of daily activities to spread kindness and happiness. 
On Thursday it was Eid so the children learnt all about what Eid is as a…

14 May

11R Connect with Themselves, Each Other and Nature

11R fully engaged in all activities over the week. We examined what mental health was and addressed any misconceptions. We spent time looking at fixed and growth mindsets and what it looked/felt like for others as well as ourselves. We discussed scenarios of when we had used our growth mindset and…

14 May

9G Summer 1 Week 3 and 4

What a busy two weeks for 9G! There has been so much going on!

9G have continued with number, money and practicing our independence skills in the workstation. 

We have also made a start on our Camper vans. We designed our ideas, and then began painting them with our chosen colours. With some…

14 May

Mental Health Awareness Week

A short week in Rowan this week but a busy one! On Weds we we made some Pirate boats using paper plates in the morning with Miss Troughton and in the afternoon we looked at our story for Mental awareness Week called "The Worrysaurus". It was a lovely story and the children responded well by being…

14 May

9R Are Taking Care of Their Mental Health

This week has been Mental Health week and the theme is nature.

We have looked at what mental health is and things we can do to stay healthy.

Sarah said everyone has mental health and it’s keeping your body and brain healthy.

Mrs Cobham made each of us a heart and we attached a label to it…