21 May

11G A wet week 21/5/21

This week it has been rather a wet week with lots of rain and not many blue skies but 11G have had a great week as usual and managed to dodge the rain on quite a few occasions. 

At the start of the week we took a chance and had a game of tag rugby out on the school field, this was great fun…

21 May

Sea shanties and rhythm in Willow class

Willow class have had an especially musical week this week! 
As part of our pirate topic we looked at sea shanties! We have learnt a lot about how pirates communicated and how lots of pirates couldn’t read so they had to use different means of communication. We looked at some examples of pirate…

21 May

11R - Dig Deeper into Emotions

11R explore their inner critic and inner coach as well as expected and unexpected behaviours. We were given different phrases such as, 'I can do this' - 'I'm not good enough' and we had to decide whether they were positive and linked to our inner coach or negative and linked to our inner…

21 May

Chestnut Class Learn About Animal Homes

This week, Chestnut Class have been looking at animal homes.

We have been reading the story 'Oh Dear', all about looking for hen's eggs around the farm in different animal homes.

We also got busy mark making using different animals in paint to make footprints.

On Wednesday we had a…

21 May

Working hard in 9R


We always have a busy week in 9R and this week has been no different.

In Communication, Language and Literacy we have have been working on Harry Potter based activities. Some learners have been using the story plans they worked on last week to write their own story, while others have made…

21 May

Sycamore’s snail has an itchy foot!

Another busy week again for us in Sycamore. 


We have been powering on with our retelling of the snail and the whale story. We have loved pretending to dig the whale out and found pretending to be the children running out of school hilarious and the snail having an itchy foot was even…

21 May

Beech class exploring animal homes

This week Beech class have been exploring where animals live. We have been to the farm, the jungle, under the sea and on a bug hunt. We have used all our senses to experience where different animals live and have been enjoying the story “Oh Dear!” Which has seen us looking for the eggs all over…

20 May

Rowan learn about recycling

This week in Rowan we have been learning about how to protect our planet and how important recycling is to keeping our planet happy.

We have discussed and shared ideas on what items in our house we could recycle instead of putting them in the landfill sites. 

We talked about what recycling…

19 May

Mindfulness in Maple

After sharing ideas to improve overall well-being and develop relaxation strategies in last week's staff meeting, Maple class thought it would be a great idea to put some suggestions to use. We have had a year that has been very different in many ways and we think that having a bank of strategies…

19 May


7A have been extremely lucky today! After our visit to the Anderton Centre this morning, Daniel's Mum very kindly offered to buy the pupils and staff a chippy lunch to celebrate Daniel's birthday last week.

7A are very grateful for this act of kindness and have made Daniel's Mum a lovely card…

19 May

7As trip to Anderton Centre

What a wonderful morning 7A has had checking out the Anderton Centre ready for our residential .

When getting off the bus we were met by Mark, our guide for the morning. We checked out the low ropes and the high ropes first. Mark pointed out the small climbing wall which we will go on first…

19 May

9R Escape from School!!

On Wednesday morning 9R went on their first school trip since lockdown. We walked to Astley Park and we had a long play on the park. Before we walked back to school we walked up to the hall and we saw some Canada Geese with 2 goslings on the lake by the hall. It was nice to be out of school in the…