30 Apr

10G says no to racism!


10G have been learning all about racism today. We talked all about why we are all wearing red today and what today means. 

First we talked about what we thought racism was and we knew that it was to do with being unkind. Then Miss Robertson read through a PowerPoint all about what racism…

30 Apr

Oak Class Wear Red

On 30th April, Oak Class wore red inspired by the “Show Racism The Red Card” movement and we engaged in lessons around diversity. 

We read a story called We Are All Different and we saw lots of pictures of how people are all different; some people have curly hair and some people have…

30 Apr

Rowan wear red

Today in Rowan we have been wearing red to celebrate that we are all different.

We listened to a story about what makes us all different to each other but we are all friends together. 

We used our describing words to describe another person in Rowan class and we all had to guess who it was.…

30 Apr

8R create potions and wear red

8R have been super busy this week! We are all ready for a nice long weekend.

We started off our week by being challenged by Miss Brophy to a Kahoot quiz. She thought she would manage to trick us with some questions about time, money, capacity and shape... BUT we all did amazing and she was so…

30 Apr

9G Wear Red!

Today 9G wore red to celebrate standing against racism. 

In class we spoke about what racism is, and how we have to be kind to everyone no matter what their differences. We read the story ‘We are all different’, and then took part in some circle time activities. We spoke about what makes us…

30 Apr

Beech class wear red

Today Beech class wore red for ending racism. We did a fun attention autism session with lots of red toys and red balloon. We loved the red bubbles, we made pictures with them later. Well done Beech class. 

Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Miss Holden, Ms Goonan.


30 Apr

Beech class explore the three little pigs

This week we have been looking at the 3 little pigs story, we looked at the houses and Mrs Barrand dressed up as a wolf and blew down the houses. We have made pig masks and houses and been busy building with boxes and bricks. Well done Beech class. 


Mrs Barrand, Ms Goonan, Mrs Banks,…

28 Apr

Is Sycamore going to float or sink?

In Sycamore we have been continuing with our story of The Snail and the Whale. We have been working both in groups and independently to discuss parts of the story. We have been looking at parts of the story from the perception of the snail and from the perception of the whale, we then used these…

28 Apr

10G goes on a technology hunt!


10G had a very busy afternoon yesterday. First we did an attention autism session and found the pictures of the different technical items in the flour. We then helped Miss Robertson to sort out which technical items we had in school, which belonged at home and which items we would find in the…

28 Apr

Sycamore fully enjoyed cakes for Isobel’s birthday

Cake? Yes please! 

We fully enjoyed the cakes Isobel had brought in to celebrate her birthday, we had a choice of Vanilla, Strawberry or Chocolate. They were delicious! 

A Happy Birthday to Isobel and a big thank-you for the cakes. 

26 Apr

Governor Blog

Governor Blog - Sara Hudson-Walsh

In October this year (2021) it will be four years since I became a co-opted governor at Astley Park School. I have a 16 year old autistic son who has a learning disability, who came to APS in year 6 from a mainstream school. As well meaning as the mainstream…

23 Apr

11G sunny days 23/4/21

What a wonderful sunny week it has been and 11G have been making the most of it with quite a few outside activities taking place as well as lots of inside learning taking place. 

We have been carrying on looking at the life cycle of a butterfly, and if you take a look at the photos you will see…