7 May

10R look at portion sizes

Today we continued our functional skills looking at portion sizes and nutrition facts. 

we learned that fibre is good for our gut.

Pupils worked out what fibre is and how much we should be eating per day. We divided this by 3 meals and then made a simple meal of sandwiches and crisps…

7 May

9R Spend Another Week At Hogwarts

Herbology this week with Professor Clarke was all about flowers. We had 3 different flowers, red tulips, white chrysanthemums and yellow alstroemerias. Some of the learners labelled them, some had to research what job the parts did and others matching the flower parts to the job they did.


7 May

Terrific Teamwork and Karaoke Classics in 7A!

In 7A, as part of our Happy Campers theme, we have been participating in Outdoor Adventurous Activities. This week, in My Communication, we have been developing our Social Communication skills and working in teams to complete challenges. Some learners took part in a nature hunt challenge, giving…

7 May

10G learns how to whisper!

10G have been learning all about how to stay safe online and what we can do if we ever have any problems. Our digital leader had a very important meeting with Mrs Tolan all about whisper, what it is, how we use it and why we use it. He then helped to lead a session all about…

7 May

Rowan learns about shapes

This week in Rowan class we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. 

We have been exploring the different shapes and learning about their properties.


Well done Rowan class, you have all done fantastic learning this week!


Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see…

7 May

Quick it’s challenge time, Sycamore style!

It’s been a short but busy week in Sycamore.  


Quick! It’s challenge time.


This week we have introduced quick time challenges. These can be at any time of the day, to test any skills, including movements, sounds, knowledge of the environment and skills that we have learnt through…

7 May

Happy Birthday, Ayah!

We had one day less in school this week but we didn’t have any less fun or learn any less! We also had a birthday to celebrate! We had lots of cake and sang a big happy birthday to Ayah.

We’re continuing to Sail the Seven Seas in Oak Class and we’re still finding treasure in our learning. In…

6 May

Ahoy There Maple!

Another wonderful week for Maple class! This week we have been very busy exploring our classroom environment and all things pirate. We have continued to develop our bank of topic signs, symbols and words and we are using them to communicate during work and play. We have enjoyed lots of sand and…

6 May

Digital Leader Luca teaches Willow class to stay safe online

In Willow class our digital leader is Luca and he was set a new project for this week by Mrs Tolan- teach his class how to use “Whisper”.

Whisper is an app on the school website where children can send messages to Mr Welsh or Mrs Patterson from home if they are worried about anything. They can…

6 May

Willow class set sail for Neverland

This term in Willow class our topics is sail the seven seas and our first book had been Peter Pan!

In Willow class we try our best in every lesson but our teachers especially wanted to celebrate our English work in this weeks blog. 

The children have been doing some amazing imaginative…

6 May

Chestnut Class ... Can They Fix It, Chestnut Class ... Yes They Can!

Chesnut Class have enjoyed the theme of 'Bob the Builder' this week. 

We have done lots of building whilst counting and labeling the bricks, made some fantasic house pictures to use as touch and feel boards, and even looked at who lives in our houses!

We enjoyed 'What's in the Box' on…

6 May

Happy Birthday to Daniel in 7A!

Happy 12th Birthday to Daniel in 7A! Thank you for the delicious cake! Enjoy your KFC tonight!