23 Apr

8R have a magical week

8R have had such a busy week this week earning so many team points for Gryffindor and Slytherin. 
We were all sorted into our teams last week and have been earning team points the last 2 weeks. So far... Slytherin have the most points. 

This week we have carried on looking at newspapers and…

23 Apr

Astley park enjoys Earth day

Thursday 22nd April was Earth day so Astley Park school celebrated in style!

The children learnt about ways in which we can look after our planet, making artwork and posters to inspire  others to keep our world clean and look after it.

Please have a look through a selection of fantastic work…

23 Apr

10R Help the Environment


This week it has been Earth Day 2021, so 10R have turned their thoughts to what we can do for the environment. We have discussed how we can help the Earth, and pupils made posters to promote what we can all do towards this like reusing, recycling, using the car less and planting more trees…

23 Apr

9G Summer 1 Week 2

Another very sunny and fabulous week in 9G!

On Monday we started the week with My Thinking and Problem Solving where we continued with our number work and started to show how well we know our coins. Some learners were matching coins, and others were able to show they knew the names of the…

23 Apr

7A’s Camping Adventure!

This week 7A have been on a camping adventure. We built tents, drank hot chocolates, walked through the woods and pretended to toast marshmallows. It was so much fun. We developed our team work skills, followed instructions and developed speaking and listening skills. We can’t wait for Day 2 of…

23 Apr

Potions and Magic in 9R

This week 9R have taken part in some magical lessons.

On Tuesday we had Potions again  with Professor Clarke, which was lots of fun. We made a fizzing potion and a magic potion that went from a solid to a liquid and then a solid again and we only used ingredients that you can buy at the shop -…

23 Apr

We have had a whale of a time in Sycamore this week!

In Sycamore this week we have been looking at the story of The Snail and the Whale. Firstly we looked at the features of a book cover, and what we could see on the cover of The Snail and the Whale. We then wrote a sentence on what we think might happen in the book before sharing our ideas with our…

23 Apr

10G Earth Enthusiasts!


10G had lots of fun yesterday celebrating World Earth Day. We talked about what we thought World Earth Day first and thought it was something about making good choices with the Earth. Then Miss Robertson read to us and talked to us all about what World Earth Day was. We found out that it has…

23 Apr

Rowan summer 1 - Week 2

Another busy week in Rowan class!

We have been busy practicing our writing this week and writing words about our class story ‘Pirates Love Underpants’. We got creative and made our own pirate swords using different craft materials.

In ‘My Thinking and Problem Solving’ we have been focusing…

23 Apr

The ‘3 Little Pigs’ Visit Chestnut Class!

Chestnut Class have had a very exciting week learning all about ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. We have been exploring different materials and making pig houses out of straw, sticks and duplo, and pretending to blow them down. 

We all decorated a biscuit with pink icing and marsh mellows to make a pigs…

23 Apr

Oak class continue their adventure

Oak class have been sailing through this week in their pirate adventures. We loved alerting our bodies to The Pirate Song; we went forwards, backwards, this way (left), that way (right), up and down, up and down, over the deep blue sea. We even created a few of our own dance moves…

23 Apr

Beech Class explore 3 Little Pigs

Beech class have had a very exciting week exploring the 3 Little Pigs story. We have been builders and explored different building materials, had a great time making houses for pigs using boxes, sticks, straw and bricks. Explored pigs in different materials such as foam, mud and chocolate spread!…