14 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 1 and 2

The last 2 weeks have been very busy in 7P! The children have worked super hard and have also had lots of fun too. 

7P have been working on their independence skills in class and around school, trying their hardest to be as independent as they possibly can. Trying to do things without help…

17 May

7P Summer 1 - Week 4 and 5

The last 2 weeks have been busy for 7P, lots of hard work has been done by the children. 

On Monday, 7P took part in a lovely relaxing yoga class. And luckily no one fell asleep for the lay down part! This made us all feel nice and relaxed, ready to learn. The children all listened really…

26 Apr

Summer 1, week 2 in 7P

Our outdoor area has been tidied up and made to feel like summer this week, hopefully it will bring the sun! This week we also enjoyed our first community visit of the new term! The children walked really well and showed off our school values whilst on the visit. 

We have enjoyed completing…

22 Apr

Year 7 – Calvert Rewards – Spring Sharing our Learning

Before half-term, Year 7 who attended the Calvert Trust residential invited families into school for our Calvert Rewards assembly.

A big thank you to all our families who were able to join us for the afternoon of celebration. We had a wonderful turn out and it was lovely for us to share some…

21 Apr

Summer 1, week 1 in 7P

Well what a fabulous first week back in 7P this week, and what a busy week we’ve had…

This week we have welcomed our new TA, Mrs Pope. We have really enjoyed getting to know her, and showing her what an amazing class 7P are! Welcome Mrs Pope, we are so excited to have you!!

This week we have…

29 Mar

Easter in 7P

This week for Easter, 7P have been busy little chicks. 7P have been making beautiful crafts to take home to their friends and family. There has been lots of cutting and sticking, finger painting and some beautiful writing. 

The sensory tray was so much fun. Some of the children enjoyed matching…

28 Mar

Year 7 Residential - Calvert Trust 2024

What a wonderful week some of our Year 7 learners had at the Calvert Trust Residential.


Day 1: 

On Monday, we travelled via coach to Calvert Trust and when we arrived, we made ourselves comfortable in our rooms, unpacking our suitcases and having a chill together. 

Later, we split…

22 Mar

Odd Socks

7P have had another lovely week. Part of this week was learning about World Down Syndrome day. 

7P spoke about what this means and how just because someone has Down Syndrome they can do the same things that we can. We are all unique and special and that is okay. 

We explored this…

6 Feb

Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!

Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!

I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!


The wheel has been spun and the…

6 Feb

Safer Internet Day in 7P

This afternoon, pupils in 7P have been learning about using the Internet safely. We watched an powepoint about The Pop Up Gremlins, and talked about how we can keep safe online. We learned the 3 rules to follow if a pop up appears on our device “Stop, Close and Tell”. We enjoyed taking part in…

19 Jan

7P explore Judaism

7P have had another great week and have coped well with different adults in class.

7P have worked hard in their usual curriculum topics as well as our work on Judaism this week. 7P had their first week back at swimming for Group 1 and they swam very well, changed independently and travelled…

12 Jan

7P get into the Spring of things

7P have had a brilliant first week back. They have coped so well as we have had lots of different adults due to illness.

7P have worked on their reading, learnt about how our bodies change as we get older like shoe size, height and losing our teeth. We have also named all of our body parts and…