22 Jan

World religion week- Willow class explores Hinduism

What a busy week for Willow class!

This week was world religion week and our religion to explore was Hinduism! We looked at two Hindu celebrations- Divali and Holi. In class we learnt about the story behind Divali, the story  of Rama and Sita. We learnt why it is called the festival of light…

18 Jan

Willow class settle back into routines- learning from home and in school

Wow, Willow class have really impressed all their class teachers this term with how well everyone has adapted to changes! 
Children in school have been settling back into lessons and following our timetables, especially enjoying our daily teams calls with friends learning from home! The children…

18 Dec

Santa Clause is coming to 10G!

10G have had another fantastic week. We have been incredibly busy and on Wednesday we got to have a video call with Santa. We had a lovely chat and enjoyed seeing his grotto in the North Pole. We also got some amazing presents from Santa’s lovely elves. Miss Robertson let us open them in class and…

18 Dec

Busy Little Chestnut Elves

Chestnut Class have had a lovely time over the past few weeks getting Christmassy. We have been like busy little elves making lots of crafts to take home at the end of term. We have all done super listening whilst developing our fine motor skills, to make lovely gifts for our families. We can’t…

17 Dec

8R learn about Islam

This afternoon 8R have done some very important work all about Islam.

First of all we listened to some information all about Islam and talked about why it is important that we know about other religions.

After this we discussed Sadaqah. We learnt that this is all about charity and being kind…

17 Dec

Christmas is coming in Rowan Class!

Our last week in Rowan class before Christmas and we have been doing lots of Christmas activities!


Bingo! Rowan class loved Christmas bingo on Tuesday. 


On Wednesday we had our breakfast with Santa. It was so exciting wearing our pyjamas, seeing Santa and receiving our presents…

11 Dec

11R get Christmas crafty

This week 11R have really been getting in to the festive spirit. There has been some jolly good teamwork, laughs, Christmas songs and goodies. We have worked so hard to make Christmas decorations from a variety of different materials. Our 11R classroom looked like it was covered in snow today as…

11 Dec

8R Christmas party and lunch

8R have had a festive fun filled week this week! We have been so busy and are definitely ready for a nice quiet weekend.

This week we have had our Christmas party and our Christmas lunch! And even worn our best Christmas jumpers.

On Wednesday we had our class Christmas party and Miss Brophy…

4 Dec

8R get festive!

This week 8R have got their classroom ready for Christmas! We have spent lots of time making decorations, decorating the tree and putting up their decorations around the classroom.

Even during all these exciting things we have still managed to do lots of super work. We carried on our work…

4 Dec

10G’s week of fun, 30th November!

10G have had another very busy week. This week we enjoyed watching Miss Bamber and Mrs Lilley feed and burp their beautiful babies and we asked them lots of questions about how to feed their baby. Then we got to talk to Mrs Bigio all about how she keeps her beautiful daughter clean and we got to…

27 Nov

8R’s Poet’s Corner

8R have had a super busy week this week doing lots of amazing work.

We started off the week by doing some super work on time in our maths. We have all been looking at the important times of our day and making sure we can tell the time at these. Everybody worked super hard and have been using…

27 Nov

11R Working Together

11R had a great week last week. We continued to work on our English objectives focussing on punctuation and spelling. We also continued work on our ASDAN Unit - Working as Part of a Team. We split into two teams and agreed our team rules. Each team then set about assigning roles within their team…