Week 5 in Chestnut Class
What a fantastic week in Chestnut Class!
This week learners have been accessing the community in small groups. Learners have visited Nuffield Health Centre for swim sessions learning to follow instructions in water and practising their dressing skills. Pupils have been to Astley Park with Mrs…
Week 3 in Chestnut Class
This week Chestnut Class have continued learning about UnderThe Sea through Attention Autism, Sensology, Creative tasks and in the continuous provision. Learners have been practising their independent travel with Mrs Lane transitioning around school and on visits to Astley Park and small groups…
Chestnut Class explore under the sea
This term Chestnut class are learning all about the seaside. This week we have enjoyed lots of creative tasks linked to our topic area- printing including bubble wrap print, lids and other household items to make repeated patterns and we will be continuing to explore printing over the coming…
Easter in Chestnut Class
This week Chestnut class have been busy getting ready for Easter!
In Food tech we have enjoyed practising our spreading skills by preparing hot cross buns for snack time. During creative tasks we made egg shell cards using primary colours and repeating patterns and decorating foam eggs. In…
Chestnut Class celebrate World Down Syndrome Day
On Thursday 21st March Chestnut Class celebrated World Down Syndrome Day. The theme this year is # End the Stereotypes. The day is represented by lots of socks because chromosomes look like socks! We wore brightly coloured socks or odd socks, designed socks using the primary colours and balloons…
Chestnut Class World Book Day
Chestnut Class enjoyed some super Attention Autism sessions and activities linked to Superheroes and Villains for our World Book Day celebrations. At Stage 1 we tracked an amazing Spider-Man car zooming across the classroom, lots of bubbles and a dancing superhero! Lots of spontaneous…
Spring 2, Week 2 in Chestnut Class
This week Chestnut learners have enjoyed learning all about recycling and exploring and sorting different materials which we throw away as part of our recycling topic. We have made Angel Delight, focussing on using equipment to pour and mix, expressing our choices and working out what we need…
Welcome back Chestnut Class
Chestnut Class learners have had a very busy start to the half term! We have been learning about primary colours in a range of activities including mixing paints and coloured water into jars to create secondary colours. This week we started our Recycling sessions and we thoroughly enjoyed…
Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!
Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!
I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!
The wheel has been spun and the…
Chestnut Class enjoy making sandwiches
This week Chestnut learners have been busy making sandwiches; practising our skills of spreading and cutting using cutlery. On Wednesday we made choices of toppings - jam/cheese spread/chocolate spread using our communication boards to support us and I can say that jam was the most popular…
Chestnut Class Week 4
This week Chestnut have enjoyed exploring utensils from the kitchen as part of our House and Homes topic.
We enjoyed Stage 2 AA watching Miss Spear create a fabulous recipe using flour and cream and took turns to sprinkle using a colander.
During Maths themed AA we watched as Miss created a…
Chestnut Class explore Buddhism
Chestnut Class have loved the snow this week and spent lots of time outdoors exploring, scooping and throwing snow balls!
In PSHE we have been focussing on identifying and recognising facial features through songs, mirrors and matching activities and creating collages.
During Food tech we…