19 Oct

Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated in October in the UK and Astley Park School is proud to celebrate Black History Month with a focus on, 'Saluting our Sisters'.  This is intended to build awareness, educate and share lived experiences of Black women.  The theme of ‘Saluting our Sisters’ highlights…

13 Oct

Week 6 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut learners have explored all things ‘Autumn’. During daily Attention Autism sessions we have been anticipating and tracking exciting items from the bucket and during Stage 2 have been focussing our attention further to watch confetti fall like the leaves from the trees, a flour…

5 Oct

Chestnut Class - Week 3


Another busy week in Chestnut Class! As part of our topic, ‘In the Toy Box’ we have been exploring different modes of transport through Attention Autism Stage 1 and Stage 2 reveals and copying simple modelled actions using ramps in Stage 3. We enjoyed expressing our choices of transport toys…

5 Oct

Chestnut Class Week 5

This week Chestnut Class learners have been continuing to explore different toys and play skills as part of our topic, ‘In the Toy box’. The focus has been ‘dollies’ and we have been modelling different verbs relating to our interactions with these. We have enjoyed Attention Autism sessions to…

29 Sep

Jeans for Genes Day 2023

On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise awareness and funding for  genetic conditions. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories, coloured themed Attention Autism to circle time…

29 Sep

Astley Park have been Smashing Stereotypes!


This week classes at Astley Park have been focussing on smashing stereotypes. Stereotypes restrict the ways in which we see ourselves, others and the world around us. They make us jump to conclusions, which can stop us from getting an accurate picture.  We have been learning…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Chestnut Class

What a wonderful and busy week we’ve had in Chestnut Class!

As part of our topic, ‘In the Toy Box’ we have been exploring teddy bears through Attention Autism Stage 2 reveals, creative tasks - we created our own bear faces and during Food Tech we have been followed instructions and expressed…

8 Sep

Welcome to Chestnut Class

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

We have had a wonderful first week back in Chestnut Class, welcoming 3 new learners to Astley Park and getting to know lots of new friends and teachers.

We have been busy enjoying Attention Autism sessions, exploring the activities in the continuous provision and…

20 Jul

Chestnut Class - End of term catch up

Well, what a year it has been in Chestnut Class.  On behalf of the class team, I want to say thank you the to the pupils and their families for another great year.  The pupils have had great time exploring and developing their attention, social and emotional regulation skills.  It has been a…

6 Jul

Primary Awards/Year 6 Graduation 2023

On Friday 30th June we celebrated our Primary Awards and Year 6 Graduation.

Parents and carers were invited to join in the celebrations! The event was streamed in school so pupils and teachers from other classes could also watch. 

Our Year 6 graduates were given certificates, goody bags &…

29 Jun

Class Catch up - 3 Little Pigs and Sports Week in Chestnut

Good afternoon Chestnut followers,

It has been another busy 2 weeks in Chestnut Class. Last week was sports week and this gave the Chestnut pupils the opportunity to practice different fine motor skills activities, inflatable & bouncy castle challenges, made healthy snacks using fruit and tried…

21 Jun

Summer Fair Saturday 17th June 2023

On Saturday 17th June 2023 we hosted our annual summer fair!

We are proud to say we raised over £2752! And we still have a final few amounts coming through! This was the most we have ever raised at an event! Thank you so much to all the families and staff who attended and helped us achieve this…