15 Dec

Lots of Christmas fun in Maple Class!

We have been having lots of fun in the build up to Christmas in Maple Class.

We have all enjoyed our Christmas themed sensology, we explored lots of different things using our senses, we loved tasting the gingerbread! We made melted snowman cards during sharing our learning with our parents….…

8 Dec

Wonderful week in Willow

In Willow class this week, we enjoyed holding a Sharing Our Learning event where parents were able to join their children making melting snowman biscuits, completing Christmas crafts and watching PowerPoint presentations that some pupils had made about themselves. 

We enjoyed walking to Asda on…

17 Nov

Thank you for being a friend in 8A

Thank you for being a friend in 8A


This week has been “Friendship week” at Astley Park. 

We have been looking out for our learners being kind towards other. 

We have seen learners looking after their friends whilst out walking to and from Asda in the high winds. We have also seen…

12 Nov

7P Get Celebrating Autumn 2

We have been learning about many different Celebrations in both Autumn 1 and autumn 2 in 7P. 

We have got into the autumnal and spooky spirit of Halloween especially getting messy with the pumpkins and enjoying our witches kitchen making our own recipes.

Then we went on to learn about…

10 Nov

Willow class, Autumn 2, week 2

Another week has flown by in Willow class, please read on to learn about some of the fantastic work we’ve been doing…….

In My Communication, we have started to focus on our handwriting and letter formation, everyone enjoyed getting their fingers warmed up for writing with Play-dough Gym. We…

10 Nov

8P A busy week 10/11/23

The pupils and staff in 8P have enjoyed a very busy, but enjoyable week.

We all helped to create a banner to go up in the hall for the Halloween disco.

During our food technology lesson, we followed both written, and verbal instructions, on how to make toast and jam, and the end result was…

10 Nov

Halloween and Fireworks in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class learners have had a lovely week exploring bonfire night through Attention Autism sessions, creative tasks and food tech. We have been creating our own fire work pictures, focussing our attention,choosing colours and make making tools. We enjoyed dipping breadsticks into melted…

15 Oct

Rowan autumn term week 6

Rowan class have all worked so hard this week. We have been to the park continuing our travel training skills. We have made biscuits and used our creative skills to turn them into some very cute hedgehogs, they were delicious! We also enjoyed our music lesson, lots of us liked the recorder and…

13 Oct

8P Autumn 1, Week 6 ☺️

We’ve had a fantastic week again! We have enjoyed activities linked to Halloween this week. The activities we’ve done this week include: 


  • Attention Autism sessions (what’s in the box) 
  • Carousels of activities 
  • Cooking (jam/chocolate spread…
13 Oct

Oak Class have been busy!

We have been very busy this week in Oak class! 
We have been in the Sensory room, we have made some yummy angel delight, we’ve been to Asda, we’ve been to the park, we’ve dressed as superhero’s, we have taken selfies with our friends, we have done some Halloween painting. Despite all the fun we…

13 Oct

Week 6 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut learners have explored all things ‘Autumn’. During daily Attention Autism sessions we have been anticipating and tracking exciting items from the bucket and during Stage 2 have been focussing our attention further to watch confetti fall like the leaves from the trees, a flour…

6 Oct

PE in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class. 

As part of Me and My Body we have been practicing fundamental skills including: running, skipping, jumping, balancing, catching and throwing. We all did very well and really impressed our teachers with our instruction following.

Have a lovely…