9 Jun

A busy first week back in Sycamore !

Welcome back ! 

Syacmore class have come back ready to hit the ground running . 

This week in PE we have been practicing our throwing and catching skills working towards a full game of rounders . 

In music this week the children have amazed all staff with their  knowledge of…

6 Jun

7A day out at Blackpool Zoo.

Well what a great way to get back into school life… a trip to Blackpool Zoo!

7A were very excited as we set off to sunny Blackpool. 

We arrived at the Zoo and it was very busy.

First stop was the penguins, on the way we saw a couple of the little monkeys, we loved seeing them jumping…

26 May

8P end another great half term!

Our learners have been working hard again this week!

On Tuesday we went to Aldi to top up our snack box and everyone was fantastic at using the checkout to put some items through and pay for them.

Wednesday was Luca’s 13th birthday and we celebrated with some cakes that he had very kindly…

19 May

9A Summer - Share Our Learning (session 1)

9A had their first Share Our Learning event of the Summer term this week! 
We had Josh’s mum and Daniel’s mum visit us. 

The pupils started off by performing their sensory regulation carousels. 
They enjoyed showing the parents how to use the resources. Josh even used the head massager on…

19 May

Week 5 in Maple Class

Maple Class have had another lovely week enjoying our topic- Down on the Farm. We’ve explored the story of the Little Red Hen through Attention Autism, numbers songs and creative tasks and made the most of the lovely weather this week. During PE we have been accessing the balance  bikes, 3…

18 May

Sycamore - Who can I trust ?

Sycamore have been learning all about adults who we can trust. The children used a combination of their own family photos,  strangers that we know are safe e.g doctors and police and strangers that are not safe to categorise in the circle of trust . 
Mrs Banks worked with this group and started…

16 May

The day the Buddhist Monk came to visit.

Today we had a visit from a Buddhist Monk, Kelsang Pagpa. All Buddhist monks are named Kelsang which means ‘fortunate one’ and his name Pagpa means ‘realised ultimate truth’.

He wore orange robes which are meant to symbolize simplicity and detachment of materialism.

He spoke to us about how…

12 May

3 Little Pigs visit Chestnut Class

Good afternoon, 

The Chestnut pupils have been very busy this week learning about the three little pigs - linked to our topic of ‘Down On The Farm’. The pupils have enjoyed ‘pig’ themed attention autism activities, participated in a sensory story and made piggy cakes and biscuits. The pupils…

12 May

8P make mocktails !

In 8P today the children have obsevered how a mock tail is made. 
Then as a class we discussed the equipment and ingredients we will need to make our very own mocktail. 
The class all worked super hard independently to write a list of Ingredients and instructions how to make the perfect…

5 May

9A Coronation Celebrations

9A has had a fantastic time celebrating the King’s Coronation this week! 

We enjoyed a range of activities in the hall, as well as in class activities, including: 

- compass work involving key words linked to the Coronation (as part of our My Thinking and Problem Solving learning) 


5 May

Fudge,Dec and Beccaaaaaa come to visit.

This week 7A had some special visitors. Fudge, Dec and Beccaaaaaa the chicks. Sycamore have been working on life cycles and from incubator to hatching.
Sycamore class bought the chicks to visit. We had to be extremely quiet as they were only 7 days old.
Mrs Banks took them out of the cage and…

5 May

Coronations Celebrations and Earth Day in Chestnut Class

Good afternoon all,

Well it’s been another busy and action packed two weeks. Despite the shortened weeks the due to the bank holidays the Chestnut pupils have been very, very busy. Last week we celebrated Earth Day by looking at the Creation story which was adapted into a sensory experience for…