19 Jul

Summer Six Star Challenge

Hi Everyone 

We have loved seeing you all joining in so well with our challenges and earning your stars and certificates. You have until September to complete this challenge. We hope you have lots of fun. Please add photos to evidence for learning and tag parent tag- Six Star Challenge.…

17 Jul

Summer Holiday Video Offer

It’s the holidays!

Thank you so much for all your hard work and engagement with our learning videos on our YouTube channel over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see so many photos and videos of pupils taking part in activities both at home and in school. Some of you will now be…

17 Jul

8R Last week of Term 2020.

Well another busy week and the last one before the summer holidays. Mrs Clarke and Mrs Down went on a special delivery mission to drop a little gift off to say thank you for all your hard work. I bet those sweets didn't last long? We would love to see pictures of your sunflowers too.  Once you…

6 Jul

Six Star challenge week 5 photo's


What a fantastic week. We have loved watching lots of videos of you singing and signing. Also lots of creativity in your pebbles and natural pictures. I'm sure your parents and carers appreciated you helping them with the washing up. There has been lots of amazing counting of cyclists and…

29 Jun

Six Star Challenge - week 5

Hi Everyone,

We hope you enjoyed our sporty six star challenge last week. So many children took part it was fantastic.

If you achieve all 6 stars you will get a gold award, if you achieve 5 stars you will get a silver award and if you have a try at any you will get a bronze award and all…

23 Jun

9G are keeping busy at home!

9G have been keeping very busy at home. They have enjoyed seeing one another on our TEAMS video chats and particularly enjoyed our show and tell session and our morning group session. 9G have also been keeping busy working on their maths skills, reading Roald Dahl books, our Supertato story,…

22 Jun

Beech Class Zoo week

This week in school we have been learning about zoo animals. We have fed food to a snake, matched patterns to animals, painted animals, played with animals in straw, sang songs, made elephant biscuits and read the Dear Zoo story. We have explored animals that live in the cold including melting…

19 Jun

A zoo’s life in Chestnut class- in school learning

Chestnut class have been so busy this week in school getting creative and learning all about different animals that live at the zoo.
We all loved exploring different patterns, matching animal prints and creating snakes from colourful patterns.

Mrs Worthington read the story 'Dear…

12 Jun

Chestnut Class on the Farm, in school learning

This week in chestnut class we have been exploring and learning all about farm animals. 
The children have enjoyed joining in with lots of Attention Autism activities. We have had fun singing songs and exploring foods that are grown on the farm. We did some vegetable counting and sorting, each…

5 Jun

We've Come to the End of Another Week.

Yesterday the children in Chestnut Class had a fun afternoon creating animal prints.

After watching Mrs Smith do an animal themed ‘What’s in the Box’ the children then used different animals and paint to make footprints on their paper. They then experimented using different shapes to create a…

29 May

We have been on a lion hunt this week... RAWR!

We’re going on a lion hunt, 

We’re going to catch a big one, 

We’re not scared, we’ve been there before!


This week in chestnut class our story has been “We’re Going on a Lion Hunt”. We have had lots of fun swishing in the long grass, splashing in the lake and squelching in the swamp…

29 May

Beach club week 2

This Thursday and Friday has been very busy again! George loved the Cheerios in his sensory tray, Ben loved the singing Beat Belle using the switch to make it work. We listened to Dear Zoo story and had fun painting snakes and lions in our animal theme using brushes, our hands and a fork, We went…