1 May

MADD Week Flag Art Competition

Wow what an amazing MADD week it has been. There have been some amazing videos posted onto our school Learning from Home YouTube Channel - if you haven't had a look yet please go and see! 


We have had lots of entries fro the…

1 May

9G’s amazing work from home!

9G have had an amazing week and have done some fantastic work. Miss Robertson and Miss Bamber are so proud of you all. Let’s see what everyone has been getting up to:

Miss Bamber has had some fantastic news. She is going to have a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations Miss Bamber! She has also…

30 Apr

Have 11G gone MADD in Week 6? Part 2

Part 2  

My Week (Mr Massey)

Well compared to my excellent learners my week seems quite boring. The highlights have been going walking with Elizabeth and Thomas in our secret fairy woods and improving our hide ‘n’ seek skills (Thomas still can’t keep quiet when its his turn to hide

30 Apr

Have 11G gone MADD in Week 6? Part 1

Wow 11G! I have had a bumper response this week and heard from most of you in some way or another.   These been some much work sent it actually won’t fit in one blog!


I set both functional maths skills challenges along with MADD week activities and there’s been a lot of work and…

26 Apr

Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1

Hello everyone!

We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!

Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…

24 Apr

9G Keeping busy at home

9G have had another really busy week at home. Let's see what we've all been getting up to. 

Calum has been working hard on his reading and ICT skills. He has worked hard on a range of tasks on purple mash and education city. He has also enjoyed going for a 3 mile walk and got to feed some…

22 Apr

Easter egg decorating competition in Willow Class

Over Easter Willow Class held a competition to decorate an egg! 
We had five fantastic entries to try and win our Easter egg prize and were really impressed with your great fine motor skills decorating them. Our class staff were the judges and Miss Riley, Ms Carter, Miss Robinson, Mrs Jones, Mrs…

17 Apr

What 9G have all been up to

Hi everyone. 

9G have had another busy week and have worked very hard. It has been so nice to see all your pictures and videos of what you have been getting up to. 

Alex has been busy making cakes, going for long walks, following Miss Robertson’s breakfast routine and completing some…

20 Mar

Oak - Holi Festival 2020

Last Monday, Mr Darbyshire led our assembly and we learned about the traditional Hindu festival ‘The Holi Festival’. Some of us got to have a turn using powder paint to create colour clouds. 


Back in Oak class we explored colour through lots of activities. Miss Cross did an Attention…

16 Mar

7G get colourful!

Last week 7G celebrated Holi festival. This is a Hindu festival where the coming of spring is celebrated through lots of colourful activities. 

7G chose red as their colour to come into school in. All the children had an item of clothing on that was red. 
With Mr Murphy in the morning they all…

15 Mar

Holi art in Willow class

On Monday, Willow class learnt about the Hindu spring festival Holi. We chose blue as our class colour and some children chose to wear this colour to school for the day. Willow class loved the idea of the paint throwing celebrations and made their own powder paint art following an attention autism…

13 Mar

Maple Class Band

Today in our creativity lesson, Maple class formed their own band. Maple class listened to a song about being part of a band and we talked about the different instruments we could hear. We then took it in turns to play the different instruments and Mr Darbyshire taught us about staying in time to…