Under the sea!
This week Rowan class have been learning about sea animals and all things sea related! Our fairy tale story this half term is The Little Mermaid, so our work for the next few weeks will be sea themed.
For My Creativity we had to rescue different plastic animals from the ice. We had to choose…

Oak look at Hansel and Gretel
This week Oak Class have moved away from Little Mermaid and have moved to looking at Hansel and Gretel. This week:
- In My Communication we have explored a new sensory story, exploring the props to help our understanding. We have practiced our reading and writing skills through colourful…

9G are Super Stars!
9G have had another busy week this week.
We have taken part in lots of learning activities, including sight reading and sounds write, practicing our number skills and developing our turn taking skills. We have also been working on listening and speaking to our peers during lego therapy in…

9G Keep on Celebrating!
It has been another super week in 9G.
This week we have worked hard on our reading and writing. 9G tried out using colourful semantics on the iPads, creating sentences about our story Star in the Jar. We really enjoyed doing it this way and will be using the iPads to help us going forward. We…

Sycamore learn about Diwali
Today Sycamore have enjoyed a fun-filled day learning about Diwali.
Sycamore have been learning different facts about Diwali. We found out that:
- Diwali is a very important festival celebrated by many people around the world.
- Diwali is celebrated by Hindu’s but can be celebrated by…

Another FINtastic Week for Oak!
What another lovely week we have had in Oak Class looking at The little Mermaid. We have been very lucky that this week we have had two birthdays, Ellie and Noah’s. We’d all like to thank parents for the donations of sweets and cake which we all loved.
- In our My Creativity lessons we…

Sycamore: Children in Need
Today Sycamore have enjoyed learning about Children in Need and celebrating through lots of activities.
We learned that:
- Children in Need is used to help to raise money for children in need.
- Children in need are children not as lucky as us. We said it can be children who don’t…
Another busy week in Rowan class!
On Monday morning we have been working hard on our reading skills with Miss Aindow. Later in the morning we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods. We had to use pictures of different foods to make a healthy lunch box. We cut out the different pictures and stuck them down. It was…

9G Children in Need and Remembrance
We have had a busy week of celebrating different events this week in 9G.
The week started looking at what Remembrance is, why we wear poppies and how we remember. Miss Hendy did an attention autism, where we watched her create some crosses using black sand, and then we took turns to…

7A Diwali Fireworks Performance!
This week as part of our Celebrations topic we have been learning about Diwali. We learnt that Hindus celebrate with lamps, prayers, gifts and fireworks on the third day of Diwali. We applied our learning about dancing with props last week to create a partner dance to show a fireworks display.…

9G enjoy the fireworks!
We have had a great first week back after half term.
There has been lots of firework and bonfire themed fun this week.
In our My Thinking and Problem Solving sessions we have been working on recognising objects up to 10 in different arrangements, adding 1 digit numbers together using…

A Crackling Time in Sycamore!
On Thursday, Sycamore had fun in class celebrating bonfire night with crafts and exploring some popular traditions.
First we collected sticks on a regulation walk, exploring outside, that we used later in the afternoon to help Miss Cross build our own ‘fire’.
We explored…