Bonfire Night in Maple Class
This week we have been learning all about Bonfire night. We had our very own pretend Bonfire night where we put on our gloves and hats, waved pretend sparklers and toasted our marshmallows and dipped them in chocolate. We know that fire is hot and that we need to keep safe with our adults. We…

Sycamore’s Spook-tacular Week!
Sycamore’s Spook-tacular Week!
Sycamore class have had great fun within our Halloween theme, this week.
They have been very busy:
- Working together to count out ingredients to add to the magic potions.
- Using words and gestures to request shapes to create faces on…

9G do some Ghost Busting!
We have had the most brilliant week in 9G!
Everyone has worked so hard and tired activities they wouldn’t normally do, embracing the Halloween spirit!
We have collected eyeballs from pumpkins full of jelly, made witches spells in the kitchen, palates lots of group games and even…

Sycamore: Learning About Our Body
Sycamore have had a very busy week continuing their learning in their ‘All About Me’ topic. We have continued to learn about our new classroom and friends, talking about our likes and dislikes and thinking about what we have in common too.
This week our learning has had a bigger focus on…

Sycamore’s Thursday Fun!
This week we have been learning about our bodies and ways that we can keep healthy. We have been exploring lots of exercises and movements that help keep our minds and bodies healthy. We have also talked about how the activities have made our engines feel, using the Alert Programme.

7A are becoming experts on the seasons!
This week 7A have been busy learning all about the seasons and how we need to wear different clothes due to changes of weather with the seasons. We have completed lots of online activities such as games, art tasks, written tasks, a virtual autumn quiz, an autumn yoga video call and the activities…

We're all going on a .... leaf hunt!
What another amazing week in 9G! We really do love all being together!
On Monday 9G began our new story ‘We’re going on a Leaf hunt’. Miss Hendy did a sensory story to go with each page. We then practiced our writing of autumn words, reading and played in the new sensory autumn tray. In the…

What Makes Us Happy ... Being Together! & 9G Macmillan Coffee Morning!
Wow, what an amazing first whole week back 9G have had! Everyone has coped very well, and we have had so much fun being back together!
On Monday, we continued to look at our feelings, recognising what makes us happy, sad, cross, or scared. We explored this through the story ‘What makes us…

Week 4 fun in 10G!
10G have had a lovely week. They have enjoyed making their very own playdough, practising their cycling skills, going on schools very own climbing frame, taking part in sensory circuits, played a game of football, had fun making fruit skewers and painted rainbows. What a busy week 10G. We can’t…
You won't be-leaf how hard 7A have worked today!
Happy Thursday! As part of our "Our World" theme, 7A have been thinking about autumn today. We took part in an autumn yoga story where we thought about leaves falling off trees, harvest time, hibernation and rainy days. We then took part in an autumn themed attention autism. For stage 1, we…

9G Group B have another exciting week!
We have had another great few days in Group B!
The whole group have adapted well to choosing nurture activities in the morning and seem to particularly enjoy Duplo, reading and jigsaws!
For our My Communication and The World About Me session this week, we focused on cleaning and washing…

10G’s fun in week 2!
Last week 10G had lots of fun whilst settling back into class. On Tuesday we enjoyed celebrating Amelia’s birthday early and sung happy birthday, gave her a chocolate birthday cake to share, a present and card. We also had fun with the sensory circuits, going on a nature walk, practising our…