13 May

Mental Health Week in 9G

This week in 9G, it has been Mental Health Awareness Week and we have been looking at loneliness. We looked at the story of Larry the Lamb. Larry was very lonely and just needed a friend to play with him. So we looked at what makes us a good friend. We then made a kindness tree and every time we…

6 May

Another Busy Week in 9G!

We’ve had another busy week at the circus! This week we’ve enjoyed making some clown hats with lots of different textures and materials. 
We also made a delicious clown cake, we all took turns to make the mixture and decorate the cake. We then had the cake for snack and we all gave it a big…

28 Apr

Another fun filled week in 9G

9G have had another fun filled week, we have welcomed Mrs Neal into class this week and the kindness 9G have shown her has been fantastic.

This week we have looked again at the sensory story about the circus and dressed up again.

On Wednesday Mrs Mahood introduced us to printing in different…

22 Apr

Activities in 9G’s Big Top!!

What a busy first week back after Easter. 

Everyone has been busy over the break and we have loved hearing all about what they have been up to.

This week in 9G we have been exploring The Circus.

We listened to a lovely sensory story, it had elephants, jugglers,clowns and a Ringmaster.…

1 Apr

A “cracking” week in 9G

This week has been a busy week with lots of Easter activities.

On Tuesday some of us sequenced the Saving Easter Story that Miss Grant read out to the class. Others decorated pictures of eggs and played a Saving Easter board game. There was some ‘cracking’ counting during the game, great…

25 Mar

Farewell to Miss Brophy

On Monday it was odd sock day to celebrate Down syndrome. 

Miss Brophys lesson was about how everyone is different and this is ok. 

9G discussed all our different hair colours, our different skin colour, all our different pets and how we all have different family members we live…

18 Mar

9GsBusy Week

9Gs Busy Week.


Monday, we looked at Astley Park School Values, Kindness, Positivity, Respect, Honesty and Teamwork. We said that staff will be looking out for 9G doing any of our values this week.

9G then shared our weekend news. It was Lily’s birthday on Sunday she told us all about…

16 Mar

9G safari adventure

9Gs wonderful Safari adventure.


So as you know, 9G were very lucky to be able to go to Knowsley Safari park today. 


We saw soooo many different animals! We managed to spot lots of deers, camels, donkeys, rhinos, wolves, tigers and we even got to see lots and lots of baboons! We…

8 Mar

International Women's Day in 9G

Today is International Women’s Day.


In class we discussed what the day was today. 8th March is International Women’s Day.

Miss Brophy explained that many many years ago women were not allowed to do lots of things that men did, like going to school, voting and having a job. The women…

3 Mar

World Book Day in 9G

World Book Day 2022


Today is world book day in Astley Park and 9G came in dressed up in some fantastic costumes.

We had Where’s Wally, Piggy, A sports Man, Matilda, Dennis the Menace, Mine craft, Harry Potter and Action Man. We also had not one, not two but five little pigs.



1 Mar

St David Day in 9G

Today 9G learnt about St David’s Day. The class looked at a PowerPoint telling us it’s a special day for anyone who is Welsh as St David is the patron saint of Wales. 

St David’s day is celebrated on the 1st March each year.

Many people pin a daffodil or a leek to their clothes and some,…

25 Feb

Back to work in 9G

Back to work in 9G


9G shared all their holiday fun with everyone. 

Half term fun included holidays away in a pod, going to Blackpool, cake making, train journeys, film watching plus fun activities had at the holiday hero’s. 

9G then had to write 4 separate sentences on what they got…