20 Jul

McDonalds Day and Party time in 9G

McDonald Day and Party time in 9G


Well, today was our McDonald’s Day , which all the class has been looking forward to all week. Miss Cross kindly went for our HUGE order to McDonald’s in town. 

The learners were very happy to see Miss Cross with all the McDonald’s bags in the pink…

19 Jul

Teamwork from 9G

Teamwork by 9G


Over the past couple of weeks, 9G have been working on a project in small groups. Their project was to create their very own circus character. The groups had to think of what activity the character was good at, what they wore, how they would speak and of course a name. The…

24 Jun

9G Sports Week 2022

Sport Week 2022

All this week 9G has been taking part In sports week! We’ve taken part in riding bikes, orienteering, curling, striking and fielding and athletics. We’ve all enjoyed taking part in these activities and the learners have had lots of fun! 

We have shown lots of our school…

17 Jun

Rainbow week in 9G


This week at Astley Park School it is “ Rainbow Week”. 

Each class at Astley Park has been looking at our different families, the people we live with and how we are all different and proud to be who we are! 


In 9G, we looked at what makes all kinds of different families. 


10 Jun

First week back in for 9G

We have had a fun-filled, brilliant week full of positive attitudes towards learning. Starting at the beginning of the week we have created our own workbooks to keep all our fantastic work in, we spoke about the importance of reflecting on your work and being proud of what you have done.


27 May

9G last week of term and Friday fun!

We’ve had a fabulous last week of term starting with bike and scooter fun showing amazing balancing skills and concentration throughout. We focused on lots of word recognition games this week and tested each other to see what words we know, 9G know a lot!! We worked on our money skills and worked…

20 May

9G Road safety

During this week 9G have completed activities to improve their road safety skills, this preparation helped them when they went to the shop at the end of the week. We focused on the three main things to remember and the teachers quizzed them throughout the week to see if they remembered - stop,…

13 May

Mental Health Week in 9G

This week in 9G, it has been Mental Health Awareness Week and we have been looking at loneliness. We looked at the story of Larry the Lamb. Larry was very lonely and just needed a friend to play with him. So we looked at what makes us a good friend. We then made a kindness tree and every time we…

6 May

Another Busy Week in 9G!

We’ve had another busy week at the circus! This week we’ve enjoyed making some clown hats with lots of different textures and materials. 
We also made a delicious clown cake, we all took turns to make the mixture and decorate the cake. We then had the cake for snack and we all gave it a big…

28 Apr

Another fun filled week in 9G

9G have had another fun filled week, we have welcomed Mrs Neal into class this week and the kindness 9G have shown her has been fantastic.

This week we have looked again at the sensory story about the circus and dressed up again.

On Wednesday Mrs Mahood introduced us to printing in different…

22 Apr

Activities in 9G’s Big Top!!

What a busy first week back after Easter. 

Everyone has been busy over the break and we have loved hearing all about what they have been up to.

This week in 9G we have been exploring The Circus.

We listened to a lovely sensory story, it had elephants, jugglers,clowns and a Ringmaster.…

1 Apr

A “cracking” week in 9G

This week has been a busy week with lots of Easter activities.

On Tuesday some of us sequenced the Saving Easter Story that Miss Grant read out to the class. Others decorated pictures of eggs and played a Saving Easter board game. There was some ‘cracking’ counting during the game, great…