5 Jul

7A Summer Term Week 11

It has been assessment week in 7A this week so we have all been working hard to complete our assessments and mastering our Personalised Learning Goals.

This week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning we have been practicing our Maths skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving- completing our…

25 Jun

7A Get Active for Sports Week!

Here is what 7A have got up to this week for Sports Week!


Monday was our first day of Sports Week. We got off to a fantastic start by joining in with a warm up with Mrs McDonnell on Teams. We all stood up and followed her lead, she kept us wanting more so when she finished Connor and Josh…

7 Jun

7A’s first day on Residential

7A have had a very exciting day today! We arrived at the Anderton Centre after dinner and listened to a very important safety talk so that we knew what we need to do if we hear a fire alarm. Then it was time to check in, can you believe that we had to make our own beds! It was very interesting…

19 May


7A have been extremely lucky today! After our visit to the Anderton Centre this morning, Daniel's Mum very kindly offered to buy the pupils and staff a chippy lunch to celebrate Daniel's birthday last week.

7A are very grateful for this act of kindness and have made Daniel's Mum a lovely card…

30 Apr

7A Show Racism the Red Card

7A pupils wore red today to mark the Show Racism the Red Card day.

On Wednesday, Mrs Fisher worked with small groups as part of My Community to talk about why people have different coloured skin. We looked at a new word “melanin” and talked about how it is like a curtain that protects our skin…

30 Apr

7A Happy Campers Week 3

What a busy week it has been in 7A this week. Mrs Crouch has been very busy with Mrs Clegg and Miss Melling looking at the curriculum for next year so Mrs Fisher has been in school all week apart from Thursday.

On Monday morning we all took part in a Cooking and Nutrition session where we…

23 Mar

Easter Card Competition

Last week some of the children throughout school got busy to help school enter an Easter competition that Chorley police station is running to win lots of Easter eggs.


The children got very creative making cards with Easter egg prints, finger print Chicks, hand print Chicks and sheep. The…

8 Jan

7A Let's Go to the Movies- Week 1

Hello everyone!

What a funny old week it has been this week! We hope that all of you are keeping safe and well and that you’ve all had a good rest over the Christmas holidays.


Boris announced on Monday night that schools were to close so we have found ourselves with half of you in…

13 Dec

7A Week 14 Autumn Term- Christmas

As Celebrations has been our theme this first term, we obviously had to end it by looking at Christmas!

On Monday we finally filmed our scenes for the school's virtual nativity "Coronativity" outside on the field (we play the part of the wise men seeing the star in the sky and following it to…

30 Nov

7A Week 12 Autumn Term- Hanukkah

Hello everyone, apologies for the delay with our blog! Last week was another very busy week in 7A. On Monday we began learning about the story of Hanukkah as part of our celebration topic (as excited as we all are for Christmas, we decided November was still a little bit early to start our…

19 Nov

7A Week 11 Autumn Term- Diwali

We have continued our work on Diwali at the beginning of our week in 7A this week.


On Monday we started to read a story called Dipal’s Diwali that follows a Hindu family throughout their Diwali celebrations. We all enjoyed learning more about Diwali and what is involved during the…

12 Nov

7A Week 10 Autumn Term

Another busy busy start to the week in 7A this week! The next celebration that we are focusing on is the Hindu festival of Diwali. To begin our learning about this we read the story of Rama and Sita during our My Communication lesson on Monday morning. Josh and Jake were already familiar with the…