11 Oct

Week 6 in 8P!

This week we have looked at how busy we have all been over the weekend and discussed what we have done and who we have seen. Our friends have all been busy this weekend. Group 1 went on their Monday community visit to the shops to buy our ingredients for cooking on Thursday with Miss…

4 Oct

Week 5 in 8P!

We started the week looking at everyone’s photos from the weekend, it’s exciting seeing what everyone has been doing and talking about who we have seen and what we have done. We had another community visit, buying all of the things we need for cooking on Thursday. 

Swimming on Tuesday was…

27 Sep

Week 4 in 8P!

This week we started off in our usual way of discussing our weekend news, finding out what everyone has gotten up to over the last week. We did some super reading where the children tried incredibly hard and showed the staff how much their reading skills are improving. Some of us went onto a…

20 Sep

Week 3 in 8P!

It’s been a busy and fun week in 8P this week! We’ve enjoyed listening to everyone’s weekend news, potion making and going on a community visit. 

The children had a super busy day on Tuesday with doing swimming in the morning and P.E in the afternoon. 

On Wednesday we were super lucky to…

13 Sep

Week 2 in 8P!

This week we have been busy in 8P. 

We have had our very first community visit into town, to get the ingredients for this week’s cooking lesson with Miss Troughton. The children showed us how amazing they can be with crossing the roads and walking sensibly. 8P showed off our school values…

6 Sep

First week back in 8P!!

Welcome back 8P..

The staff in 8P cannot believe how much each child has grown over the summer holidays! We are super happy to all be back together again in 8P this year. 

We have all enjoyed looking at what all of the children and staff have gotten up to over the holidays, looking…

5 Jul

7P Summer 2 - Week 5

This week in 7P we have been working on our turn taking skills and friendship skills. Doing our reading and maths work, which the children are doing superb with!

We have enjoyed lots of really amazing sensory regulation this week, using different forms of regulation throughout the…

28 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 4

This week has been a hot one, lots of sun cream and sun hats have been needed this week and 7P have enjoyed every second of the nice hot weather. We are super lucky to have our amazing outdoor area, to be able to access the water play to cool us down. 

We have put our rain shakers to good…

21 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 3

This week is sports week at Astley Park, and 7P have enjoyed getting into the spirit of sports week. We got to come to school in our sports wear, ready for any activities to participate in. 

On Monday we had a lovely session with an amazing yoga coach in the hall, and all of the children did…

14 Jun

7P Summer 2 - Week 1 and 2

The last 2 weeks have been very busy in 7P! The children have worked super hard and have also had lots of fun too. 

7P have been working on their independence skills in class and around school, trying their hardest to be as independent as they possibly can. Trying to do things without help…

17 May

7P Summer 1 - Week 4 and 5

The last 2 weeks have been busy for 7P, lots of hard work has been done by the children. 

On Monday, 7P took part in a lovely relaxing yoga class. And luckily no one fell asleep for the lay down part! This made us all feel nice and relaxed, ready to learn. The children all listened really…

26 Apr

Summer 1, week 2 in 7P

Our outdoor area has been tidied up and made to feel like summer this week, hopefully it will bring the sun! This week we also enjoyed our first community visit of the new term! The children walked really well and showed off our school values whilst on the visit. 

We have enjoyed completing…