8 Nov

Sharing our Learning and Diwali celebrations in 7A.

On Monday morning this week 7A had our Sharing our Learning session.

Parents were invited in to see everything they had been learning about Diwali.

Mrs Chaloner showed the photos from last week and the learners told them what was happening and the different things they had learnt. 7A and…

1 Nov

Music, Baking, Halloween and Diwali in 7A

This week in 7A has been a busy one!

Our ‘new’ food this week was plums. Some of us had never tried plums but we all really enjoyed them. A few people said they were like a cross between an apple and orange.

Autumn poems found the rhyming words and then coloured rhyming words in different…

17 Oct

7A do research, shop and eat cake.

Our new fruit this week was raisins. Most of us really enjoyed them. We enjoy tasting new fruits and can’t wait to see what new fruits we have next term. On Monday Miss Troughton gave us a Harry Potter booklet continuing our witches and wizards theme. Word searches, design a wand and spot the…

11 Oct

7A have a ‘wheelie’ good time.

Our ‘new’ fruit this week was blackberries. Most of us really liked them as they were very sweet but one person gave them a 2.5 out of 10. On Monday afternoon we had Miss Troughton for My Creativity. We did a witches and wizards dot to dot and a maze. It was really hard work to find the correct…

4 Oct

Busy week in 7A

Our ‘new’ food this week was passion fruit. Everyone that tried it liked it, with some saying it was sweet and a few saying it was sour. On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards. We drew our own wizards, discussed names and different spells they could…

27 Sep

7A enjoy week 4!

Our ‘new’ food this week was avocado, we had three who loved it but the majority of 7A didn’t like it!! On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards with Miss Troughton. They played a game, which involved stealing a potion from the Grand High witch without being…

15 Sep

Welcome to 7A!

We have had a fabulous first fortnight in 7A! There are 6 learners in our class who have joined Astley Park in September, so we have taken every opportunity to get to know each other. 
So far we have found out that together we have lots of siblings, lots of pets and that pizza is a firm favourite…

19 Jul

Our Final Weeks of 7A!

We have had a fantastic year in 7A and are so proud of all our learners for settling in so well into our Key Stage 3 Phase.

The last few weeks we have participated in lots of fun activities across our timetable including, a visit to Massa’s ice cream shop, a class party and a very special KFC…

3 Jul

7A - Blackpool Zoo Trip

On Monday, 7A headed to Blackpool Zoo. (Shout out to Mrs Devlin for driving us!)

We were not the most fortunate with the weather - but this did not stop us having a great time. 7A applied their community safety skills and social skills throughout the day - walking carefully, waiting for their…

3 Jul

7A - Sharing our Learning - Summer 2

Yesterday afternoon 7A hosted their summer term Sharing our Learning. Parents were invited into class to join us for a ‘Potions Class’ lesson. In ‘Potions Class’ we have been exploring the properties of materials and grouping them by category and features.

This afternoon, our lesson was…

3 Jul

7A Visit the Park

On Tuesday some of 7A had sharing our learning with Miss Cross and Mrs Hand and some of 7A went to the park with Mrs Bretherton and Mr Crew.

We were very lucky to have some nice weather so that we could enjoy playing on the park. We had lots of fun playing on all of the equipment, working out…

21 Jun

7A - Summer 2 - Week 1, 2 & 3

We have had a very busy start to our last half term in 7A. 


In Week One, we had a school based week, recapping learning and skills from Summer 1. We had big learning focus in surrounding our creative thinking and creative writing skills. We worked in groups to design a group ‘monster’.…