22 Jan

7A learn about Judaism

Last week was World Religion Week at Astley Park and in 7A we were learning about Judaism. 

7A participated in various activities across the week learning different facts about Judaism. We took part in Circle Times, listened to stories, explored artefacts and cooked Hamantaschen Cookies. 


16 Jan

A Snow Day for 7A

7A were extremely excited this morning about all the snow! Everyone came into school with big smiles and full of energy.

7A decided to use this opportunity to work on some of our safety skills and ALIs; learning about all the dangers and risks of the winter weather and how we can keep ourselves…

22 Dec

7A are ready for Christmas!

7A have had a very busy half term. Have a look below to see what we have been up to..

This half term we have been out and about in the local community weekly and have enjoyed visiting different places in Chorley – we have been to Astley Park, Pets Corner, Chorley Town, Asda and Devonshire Road…

2 Nov

7A are Back!

This week 7A have been very busy settling back into routine and getting back into the swing of learning, through some Halloween and Bonfire Night theme activities.

On Tuesday, we applied our speaking, writing and drawing skills to share stories about our half-term and then applied our creative…

22 Sep

7A Week 3

This week we finished our stories. Using the iPad we wrote, typed and added pictures to complete our stories. The stories were fantastic and our teachers loved reading them. What great imaginations! 

As part of our PE lesson this week we did some dancing. We loved copying the moves from the big…

15 Sep

7A week 2

On Monday 7A had their P.E lesson. We had a go at working as a team during the parachute game. Everyone worked really well, following instructions and working together. 

On Tuesday everyone in class worked together to make a healthy fruit salad. We all took turns at chopping and peeling and…

8 Sep

Welcome 7A

Wow, what a fantastic first week we have had in 7A. We have spent lots of time this week getting to know each other and making lots of new friends.

On Monday we looked at photos from the summer holidays and shared with the class what we had been up to. On Wednesday morning we had a go at…

20 Jul

7A Happy Birthday

Birthday greetings to Ethan and Jakob who will be celebrating their birthdays during the summer holiday.

7A enjoyed early celebrations with gifts, party games and of course a birthday cake. 

13 Jul

7A’s powerful poems


7A have been working really hard this half term learning all about acrostic poems. This week we all used our super English skills to think of lots of different words and sentences to use when writing an acrostic poem all about Mr Welsh. We took our time and worked hard to think of lots of…

7 Jul

7A class trip 7/7/23

7A enjoyed a fantastic end of term trip yesterday, first of all visiting McDonald’s  in Chorley for lunch and then walking over to the escape entertainment centre to enjoy a couple of games of crazy golf. 

The golf was so much fun with balls being hit everywhere and lots of laughter and the…

4 Jul

7A Happy Birthday

Happy 12th birthday to our very own Ruby. 

Hope you had a fabulous time celebrating your birthday with your friends in 7A. 

30 Jun

7A birthday

Happy birthday to our very own Izz who celebrated her 12th birthday yesterday.

This coincided with our class trip to Legoland and we all had a fabulous time.