27 Jan

9A celebrating Chinese New Year

This week, the school has been celebrating Chinese New Year and this year it’s the year of the Rabbit. 

The class watched a PowerPoint on how the Chinese signs were created. After they had watched the slides, they made their own Chinese rabbit using paint, card and wax crayon. As well, the…

22 Jan

World Religion Week 8A

This week was World Religion Week and 8A found out lots of things related to Hinduism. Some of the class were able to join 7A on a trip to the Hindu Temple in Preston. We found out about the different gods and were able to look around the beautiful temple.

Our community based trips also…

13 Jan

9As Healthy Lasagne

This week 9A worked as a team and made “Ms Carter’s Home Made Healthy Lasagne”.

They all followed a step by step instruction sheet and got together the ingredients they needed, which were bought from this week’s shopping visit. 

The ingredients were mince meat, carrots, celery, onions,…

12 Jan

9A visit to Chorley Mosque

In preparation for World Religion Week, where 9A will be learning about Islam, 9A went on a visit to Chorley Mosque to gain knowledge of the Muslim faith. We were very lucky because Mr Maher, one of our governors, came with us too.

When we arrived at the Mosque, Mubeen, the Imam (religious…

15 Dec

Christmas fun in 9A 2022

Well, today was the day that 9A met the one and only Astley Park’s Father Christmas.

All of the learners had huge smiles on their faces when he came in with his elves helpers, aka Mrs Welsh, Mrs Clegg and Miss Wells.


Each learner was on Father Christmas’s good list (well done 9A, he…

11 Nov

9A Remembrance Day

Today 9A learnt about why we celebrate Remembrance Day every year on the 11th November. The children spoke about what they already know about Remembrance Day and why they think we have a two minute silence. They correctly said that we celebrate Remembrance Day to remember the millions who have…

14 Oct

9A - Week 6

We’ve had a great week in 9A!  


In our My Communication lessons, we have been learning about nouns this week. We have practised sorting them into people, places, things and animals, using nouns from the texts we’ve been studying – “Meg and Mog” and passages from the Harry Potter franchise.…

7 Oct

9A busy week

We have had a very busy week this week in 9A! 



In our My Communication lessons, half of the class have been learning about the book - “Meg and Mog” and half of the class have been studying passages from Harry Potter. They have all engaged really well with their new learning and have…

30 Sep

Community Access, cooking and fun in 9A

We’ve had a great week in 9A!  

We’ve been starting to access the community again. Many pupils have enjoyed going shopping this week. They sourced ingredients for our cooking sessions. One group made cheese toasted sandwiches and one group made chocolate brownies. Yum yum! They were delicious.…

23 Sep

9A assessment week

What another brilliant week we’ve had in 9A! The pupils have been responding really well to the class rules and have take all feedback on board. We have had assessment week this week and everyone has worked so hard. We have completed many assessments linked to functional Maths and English skills…

16 Sep

A busy week in 9A

Whilst we are still getting to know the learners, the class has played some board games. On the board games, there were ‘tricky words’ that had to be read out to their partner when they landed on that square. The staff were very impressed with how good their reading and word memory from last year…

9 Sep

9A first week back

 Well, it’s been our first week in year 9, and what fun we have all had.

The learners all came back looking refreshed from their six weeks holidays.


First thing we looked class promises and the learners made so fantastic suggestions about what promises we are all going to follow this…