1 Apr

World Epilepsy Day in Chestnut Class

Last week Chestnut Class helped to promote awareness of World Epilepsy Day by attending school wearing purple. In 2008, eight-year-old Cassidy Megan from Canada decided she wanted to help raise awareness for people with epilepsy and to make sure no one affected feels alone. She named her idea…

1 Apr

Easter Fun in Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have had a wonderful time celebrating Easter. We have enjoyed a sensory story, “We’re going on an Easter Egg Hunt!” We had to make our way through the swishy, swishy grass, through a field of colourful flowers (confetti drop) through the mud (hot chocolate and water mix) and river…

1 Apr

Year 11 Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone who took part in yesterday’s Sponsored Swim!
We swam a total of 139  lengths of Brinscall Baths- Mrs McShane joined in and swam 10 lengths taking our total to 149 lengths!
Thank you to everyone who have supported this event - raising vital funds for our end of school…

31 Mar

Egg-cellent Week in Oak

We have had such a fantastic week in Oak class celebrating all things Easter! We have made Easter cards and followed instructions to make delicious rice crispie cakes. We have followed clues to find hidden Easter eggs and learned all about why we celebrate Easter. We have looked at daffodils,…

31 Mar

Saturday Run in The Park


Chorley School Sports Partnership Astley Park Run 26th March 2022.

After being prepared to train each week at school, the day of the run at Astley Park arrived for Alex, Mason, Noah and Alex M. Their Challenge was for each to compete in the run, represent APS and finish without stopping…

31 Mar

An egg-citing afternoon in 8A!

This half term for Me and My Body, we have been doing Outdoor Adventurous Activities. We have practiced our team work skills and learnt that good teamwork means good talking and good listening to each other. We have practiced this through lots of games and some of us have also worked on our…

25 Mar

8A explore stories from around the world

This half term, as we have continued our Our Planet theme, 8A have been reading stories from around the world in My Communication.

First, we read a story called Lila and the Secret of Rain. This story was set in Africa and we thought about what it would be like to live somewhere without rain,…

25 Mar

10G enjoy the sunshine

This week the weather has been glorious! In 10G we have really made the most of the lovely weather. We have had lessons outside and had our lunch al fresco too. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor area next to our classroom. Fingers crossed this weather continues so we can carry on…

25 Mar

Epilepsy Awareness Day in 8A

Today 8A have been learning about epilepsy. We learnt what tonic/clinic seizures, absence seizures and focal seizures look like and talked about how we can help people who are experiencing seizures. We took part in a short first aid session where we learnt how we can keep somebody safe if they…

25 Mar

11R Clean Up in Enterprise

This term 11R have taken part in an enterprise activity to raise money towards year  11’s prom.  We produced some lovely homemade soap that were sold as gifts for Mothers Day gifts this weekend.
First pupils had to cut up the soap base in and then melt it in the microwave. Pupils showed us how…

25 Mar

Lots of Easter fun in Beech class!

Beech class have had lots of fun preparing for Easter!
We’ve been super creative and made yellow handprint chicks, chocolate crispy nests and homemade Playdough. In our tuff trays we have explored eggs, chicks, and bunnies in a variety of different sensory mediums. We’ve also enjoyed tasting some…

25 Mar

Farewell to Miss Brophy

On Monday it was odd sock day to celebrate Down syndrome. 

Miss Brophys lesson was about how everyone is different and this is ok. 

9G discussed all our different hair colours, our different skin colour, all our different pets and how we all have different family members we live…