11 Nov

Astley Park ‘will remember them’

On this special day, the pupils of Astley Park have been getting very artsy producing some amazing arts and crafts ideas to pay respect on Remembrance Day! The children have all had their creative hats on and have made some fantastic tributes!


11 Nov

Beech Rememberance Day

Beech class had a lovely time making their own poppy using lots of sensory experiences and tools. 
We also enjoyed exploring the sensory poppy tray, lots of red.


11 Nov

Get busy with Sycamore

Sycamore have been very busy since coming back from half term. We fully enjoyed a visit from Victoria Hough a professional artist who came into school to help us create a fantastic piece of art that will be displayed in the main corridor for everyone to admire. This piece will reflect our school's…

11 Nov

Humpty Dumpty and all things egg

Beech class have had a very exciting week exploring Humpty Dumpty, we have enjoyed singing the song and acting out the actions using our small world tray. We had an amazing explore of real eggs watching Mrs Barrand rolling eggs down the ramp, would they smash and break like Humpty Dumpty. We then…

10 Nov

Raising Money For Children in Need in Maple Class.

Today Maple Class have been doing lots of different activities all about children in need and it’s mascot Pudsey Bear. 
Some of us came dressed in different colours, spotty T-shirt’s and some of our teachers even had Pudsey and blush headbands. 

For our Attention autism this morning in stage…

10 Nov

Children in Need fundraing in 8A

In 8A for Children in Need this year we have decided to make and sell dog biscuits to staff. Josh designed an order form and Owen G, Daniel and Jake made some money boxes. JJ, Teddy, Megan, Amelia and Annie worked as a team to make the biscuits we used Pudsey Bear shape biscuit cutters to cut out…

10 Nov

Children in Need fun in 11G

What a fun filled day we’ve had in 11G- celebrating Children in Need 2021!

We started off by researching  exactly what Children in Need actually means- it was quite emotional- and made us all realise how lucky we all are!

We created Pudsey masks, bookmarks, and completed a reflective…

10 Nov

10G’s Busy Day

10G have had a busy, but fantastic day today, we were very excited to join in with Children in Need and we saw some lovely Pudsey clothes and accessories around school. We had double celebrations is class today as Miss McPartlin celebrated her birthday with some yummy cake! 

Charlie did a…

7 Nov

Willow Class remember remember the fifth of November!

Willow class have worked hard this week looking at our safety skills coming up to Bonfire night to stay safe at Bonfires and around fireworks. Earlier in the week we looked at the history behind bonfire night and the story of Guy Fawkes along with finding out how exactly fireworks work and how…

7 Nov

9R Diwali and crafts 5/11/21

What a fun and busy week 9R have had during the week, researching facts of interest about the festival of light which is celebrated by Hindus world wide , creating and building bridges and also some pupils got the opportunity to sew beautiful craft squares with a renowned artist, Victoria…

6 Nov

Online Safety Autumn Term

Hello Astley Park School Family!


Just a quick note to remind you to think safe online! 

A few key important things to consider at this time of year:

  • Black Friday is approaching, please be mindful of the sales. It is often known for companies to raise their prices a week or two…
6 Nov

Chestnut Class - Bonfire Night

On Friday Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring bonfire night and fireworks through colours, artwork, Attention Autism and food. We have been focussing on using our fabulous communication skills throughout our learning to engage, make choices and comment on our own learning. We created firework…